As we are all speculating. . . 
> I question whether MMY has the ability anymore to intervene. 
> However, if the price was dropped to $100, there is a good chance that
> others would intervene.  I wonder what is the real power structure now
> and planned for the future.

I see lost business opportunity...

The movement could re-position itself if they could get over their
addiction to silliness and have another 70's style meditation teaching
run I'll bet.  They were ahead of the Ayurveda curve, and went only
for the high end customer, then tried it with TM.  But with a new
marketing plan I'll bet there are plenty of aging boomer dollars to
scoop up with a simple, natural meditation technique with some brand
name recognition built in.  I guess the Buddhist have been making
inroads in the market for the person who doesn't want to change their
life, but is interested in a few minutes of silence daily.  

But the aspects of the movement that made it work well in the 70's are
long gone.  No innocent fresh faced idealists, willing to put up
posters for free, too many rich movement leaders who really don't
understand the life most people live.  And then there is the Raja
problem... This is a boomer marketing killer on the scale of the
recent Tom Cruise Scientology video.  The boomer market can't buy in
to such high camp.  This product needs the simplicity vibe MMY had
running for a while.  Sri Sri and Amma have scooped up most of the
"spiritual" meditation seekers.  But the large majority of early
meditators never bought into the big promises.  They just liked an
excuse to close their door on their family and carve out a little "me"
time.  And it worked fine till they dropped it like most people do
most self help programs including exercise.  

But I'm telling you, there is an untapped market that the movement
will miss because its head is too far up itself.

I remember lecturing to hundreds of people in the DC area with the
long form commercial campaign.  Those people are still out there.  A
person who didn't have the baggage of all the mystical beliefs could
deliver it.  It wont be me, but Shemp?  Anybody?

MMY had the cuteness factor and the marketing "story". But he also
came with a lot of built in mystical baggage as much as he tried to
keep it cool.  It needs to have a touch of ritual but not quite so
over the top as the puja.  I'm sure some of you out there already know
about teachers working this angle.  But no one has really gained the
national recognition the movement had  Perhaps the market is too
fragmented to allow for that scale of fad again.

I hope some people weigh in on this topic.  I certainly am not the
first person to travel this thought highway!

--- In, "ruthsimplicity"
> --- In, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@>
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Let's say that, tomorrow, Nader Ram decides to put the price of 
> > learning TM down to $100.00.  Do you think Maharishi will support 
> > that move without interfering, just as the Don supported Michael?
> >
> As we are all speculating. . . 
> I question whether MMY has the ability anymore to intervene. 
> However, if the price was dropped to $100, there is a good chance that
> others would intervene.  I wonder what is the real power structure now
> and planned for the future.

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