--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   A President Like My Father 
> All my life, people have told me that my father changed 
> their lives, that they got involved in public service or 
> politics because he asked them to. And the generation he 
> inspired has passed that spirit on to its children. I meet 
> young people who were born long after John F. Kennedy was 
> president, yet who ask me how to live out his ideals.
> Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has 
> a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to 
> tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that 
> together we can do great things. In those rare moments, 
> when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our 
> plans and reach for what we know is possible. 

<snip> the rest. You get the point. Ms. Kennedy
feels the same breath of fresh air coming from
Barack Obama that I do, that all-important
Ability To Inspire.

I've been thinking about this ability a lot lately,
as a result of posts on this forum and others. On
each of them, one or more people have attempted to
"Declare Things True." They stood up on their key-
board soap boxes and screamed out, "This is what is
true. This other stuff that these other people here
are saying is NOT true. And the fact that they're 
saying it means that they're low-vibe, unevolved 
poopypants doo-doo heads."

I made the last part about the poopypants and doo-
doo heads up; the Declare Things True types used...
uh...more colorful and scatalogical language. They
threw as many F-bombs into their declarations of
what they think Truth is as humanly possible.

And ya know what? No one paid a *damned* bit of
attention to them.

Oh, a few folks shrugged and said to themselves, 
"Oh, *he's* back again...still as enlightened as 
ever, still declaring that he knows the Truth about
things and that no one else does." A few hurled a few
F-bombs back, and then forgot about the Declare
Things True type completely, because he or she had
made absolutely zero impact on their lives. He or
she had accomplished NOTHING by trying to declare
the truth about something or by claiming "special" 
knowledge or insight about something.

I watched this same phenomenon play itself out on
three or four different forums this last week, always 
exactly the same, and always with the same ending. The 
person trying to be a "leader" or a "guru" and to get 
folks to listen to him or her and treat his or her 
words as if they were "special" or as if they came
straight from God just got ignored, or laughed at.

And why?

Because of what Caroline Kennedy says in this article
about her father, and about Barack Obama.

None of these wannabee gurus ever had a ghost of a
chance to change anyone's life, because none of them
have a clue as to How To Inspire. *That* is a special
gift, one that cannot easily be defined, but that we
can all feel when we encounter it.

One of the reasons we're all feeling a little con-
flicted right now as Maharishi passes from the scene
is that -- whatever we may think of him and his accomp-
lishments or lack thereof -- he once inspired us. 
Most of us "got on the bus" of the TM movement way
back when BECAUSE he inspired us.

People have been talking here about what it would take
to "get more initiations," to have more people learn
TM. I agree with those who don't think that lowering
the price would help a damn bit. I suspect that you
couldn't get most people in the general public to 
learn TM these days if you paid *them* to learn it.

And why? Because there is no one in the TM movement
who can INSPIRE, or who IS inspired.

The people who flocked to learn TM by the thousands
in the 70s weren't coming because of the intro lectures
and the scientific studies. They were coming because 
of US, the teachers. We were fuckin' INSPIRED! And
people had really not SEEN all that much inspiration
around them at that point, so they were attracted to
it. They saw us silly short-haired ex-hippies in our
cheap suits and our big smiles and they *wanted* some
of whatever was making us smile like that.

That's what people saw and flocked to in the halcyon
days of the TM movement -- inspiration. That's what 
they saw and flocked to in JFK, and what they see and
respond to in Barack Obama. 

And it's what they DON'T see in the TM movement, in
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and in *any* of the people who
represent the TM movement at this point. Not one of
them could inspire a Newage blissninny with no dis-
crimination and who is a pushover for anything with 
"god" or "bliss" in it, much *less* someone who lives
in the real world. 

Those who talk nobly about wanting to "change" the
TM movement, to make it better or more responsive, to
get it "back to what it was" -- they're all missing 
the point too as far as I can tell. *They* aren't
inspired, either...they're frustrated. So the people 
they talk to and hope to get on "change the TMO" band-
wagon with them sense the frustration, and the *same*
amount of inspiration that they feel from the TMO
itself -- none.

Wanna change the world? Find something that inspires
the hell out of you, and then go forth and spread 
that inspiration. 

Nothing else works. Nothing else ever has, and IMO
nothing else ever will.

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