In a message dated 1/27/08 7:35:50 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Besides  knowing what specific cardiovascular
condition this guy had, we would also  need
to know what *type* of exercise MMY had been
asked about. If the  guy's condition was well
advanced by the time he joined  Purusha,
exercise such as weight-lifting or vigorous
aerobic exercise  might actually have been
very dangerous.

In general, exercise is a  good thing, but
there are a lot of variables.

The last time I saw Scott, back in the 80's, he was a bit *chubby* and I  
believe he had been on Purusha since it's inception, back in  the 70's. M's  
instructions since I can remember have been that we don't exert ourselves. If  
house catches fire, we walk out, don't run for anything.< Chances  are 
Scott's weight, along with probably a high fat and carb diet, ghee,  rice, 
bread and 
sweets etc. along with a sedentary life style, with minimal  physical 
exertion, caused plaque build up in his arteries and possibly  thickening of 
heart's walls which leads to heart failure.< From what I  knew of Scott, he was 
close to a saint as anybody in the TM movement and  probably much more so 
than many of it's  current leaders. I never  heard  him tell anybody how they 
should  or should not be or to live  their lives. I never heard a critical or 
harmful word from his mouth and he  definitely wasn't on any power trip, trying 
to exert authority over anybody.  Scott will be missed.

**************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.     

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