Nabs:   So you know how many Purushas are in the Himalayas do you ?

Lurk:   Nabs, are you going to parse "handful" You tell me how many. I 
  probably a couple dozen. In my book, that would be a handful, out  of a
couple hundered. In fact I have a close connection to one of  them. He
would definitely pass the grade in your book.

Nabs:  I did not know americans was allowed there, but if that is the
why don't you ask him ? My info is that it's definately more than 12.
But even that would be suffiscient.

Nabs, I suspect there are a lot of misconceptions you suffer from, this
being one of them.  Like I said, it sounds like there is a handful in
India.   I'm glad everything is hunky dory from your perspective.

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