Judy writes: snipped
This model is designed to make people feel stupid
if they're still lacking the realization, as if
there were something wrong with them for not
having it--e.g., "what should have been obvious,"
"IGNORANT of what's been right in his face since
the day he was born."

It's the very worst kind of elitism, playing with
words to exalt oneself and denigrate others.

I did not use the word IGNORANT. I was very careful to use the root
word of this sequence which is the word to IGNORE. If one is willing
to consider that the basic human condition is the ability to IGNORE
then there is no blame, no shame and no reason to IGNORE the
opportunity to do a small amount of self inquiry. Just considering
that this might be a way out of the quandary of being a seeker and not
a finder has some possibility of moving out of a frozen position of
the last 25 to 35 years. we learned to transcend in order to know IT
when IT found us. Self inquiry might allow us to find the way our
tricky minds work. I am only suggesting that we look at the
possibility that the ability to IGNORE is just bad software and that
there may be a way out through allowing us to see no bad guys, no
blame, no shame and just a statement to be explored to see if it has
any value to whomever. This is the true value of the intellect. As
Patanjali put it chapter 3 last verse. "When the translucent intellect
is as clear as the SELF, there is Enlightenment".

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