In a message dated 2/3/08 12:56:50 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Osama and his coherts have escaped,
Both the Clinton's and the Bush's...
Osama and his cohorts seem to have some, 
Kind of spiritual/psychic/Kind of spiritual/psy
Seems to me: it would take,
A spiritual force, as well as a military force:
To penetrate the veil where he hides...
Somehow we as a nation haven't pulled together,
And become a beam of light strong enough;
To overcome the veil of divisiveness,  
Divided we are weak, and unable,
To penetrate areas of darkness,
That night vision goggles  don't penetrate.
  Obama promises to penetrate the veil;
Only a unified spiritual force;
Combined with political purity,
Can end the reign
Of spiritual leaders with evil intentions.
So, there!

Robert, Osama is protected by a culture. A culture that when somebody takes  
refuge in your home, you defend that person with your life. Also a culture of  
fear that if you betray somebody  like Osama, not only your life but the  
lives of you immediate and extended family will be in jeopardy. He's on the 
moving constantly. Sooner or later he'll be nailed. < Glad to see you've  
noticed we haven't pulled together as a nation and are divided, but ask 
who's fault that is. Who was legally elected President in 2000 and who has  
fought that tooth and nail and resisted every thing the President has done.  
There is an old saying *either lead , follow or get out of the way*. The  
Democrats have done none of these. All they have done is thrown a temper 
for the past 7 years because the United States Supreme Court would not  allow 
the Florida Supreme Court to rewrite state law regarding recounts in the  
of an election. Courts don't write law , they enforce them!< Obama can  
promise you anything but there is no indication he can  deliver.

**************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.     

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