--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > My opinion is to wonder why you -- and most Americans -- 
> > > believe that you NEED a storage tank to have hot water.
> > 
> > Well, actually, they don't believe this.
> > 
> > Doesn't Barry know how to look up *anything*?
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demand_water_heater
> > 
> > http://www.consumerenergycenter.org/home/appliances/waterheaters.html
> > http://tinyurl.com/2y2yar
> > 
> > <snip>
> > > EVERYWHERE in Europe they use these "on demand" hot water 
> > > heaters, and they work just great, and they save a shitload 
> > > of energy.
> > > 
> > > So WHY have Americans not figured this out?
> > 
> > As with practically everything Barry chooses to
> > preach to us about, things are not quite so simple
> > as he would like us to believe.
> > 
> > In some cases, tankless heaters save energy. In
> > others, they don't. See the two URLs above for
> > advantages and disadvantages of tankless heaters,
> > including energy use.
> Look, Judy...here's the thing. 
> You are what you are -- old, obsessed, unhappy, and insane. 
> ( In my opinion, of course. )
> I do not expect you to change. In fact, I expect *nothing*
> about your life to change, ever. I expect you to die JUST as 
> obsessed and JUST as insane and JUST as unhappy as you are 
> now...just a little older, that's all.
> No matter *what* I do, you will continue to obsess on me, 
> as you are clearly doing here.
> You have been doing it for over fourteen years, and as far
> as I can tell nothing is going to stop that obsessing now. 
> You like to pretend that it's *not* obsessing, and that you 
> are somehow "protecting" the fully-grown adults of FFL from 
> my misstatements and lies and evil intent. That's how you've 
> excused what you do for many, many years now.
> Ignoring the issue of whether the fully-grown adults of FFL
> NEED "protecting" from me :-), I'm just gonna point out a 
> *different* way of looking at your actions -- as obsession, 
> and as not a particularly healthy one.
> I mean, think about it. EVERYONE here has heard you rave 
> about how you've "gotten Barry" with some nitpick or repost of
> something I've said. They've 'heard' the maniacal glee in your
> screen 'voice' as you claim to have "gotten Barry." And they've 
> watched you do this several times a week for a couple of years 
> now here on FFL, and in some cases for much longer back on a.m.t. 
> There have been weeks in which easily half of your output to
> this forum has consisted of attempts to "get Barry."
> Does this strike you as a SANE thing for a supposedly intelli-
> gent 67-year-old-woman to be doing, as seemingly her greatest 
> source of pleasure? ( It is certainly your most *consistent* 
> source of pleasure on this group. ) 
> You obviously believe that thinking and acting this way is 
> somehow excusable, even laudable. Me, I think it's insane. I'm 
> willing to bet that more people on this forum agree with me 
> than agree with you.
> So my approach is to go back to allowing you to try to "get 
> Barry" all you want. You'll continue to try to goad me into 
> one-on-one confrontations with you over nitpicks and issues 
> that mean nothing to anyone except yourself.
> And me, I'll just ignore them and continue to point out that 
> the fact THAT you keep trying to "get Barry" is evidence of a 
> Class-A obsession, one that at this point has probably 
> crossed the border from mere dislike to insanity.
> And then we'll just let the bystanders decide. 
> Have a nice day, Judy. 
> Me, in a couple of hours I'll be having dinner with some friends 
> here in Sitges, and then we're all going to don costumes and go 
> out dancing and partying until the wee hours of the morning.
> Meanwhile, you'll be sitting in front of your computer monitor,
> trying to figure out the ultimate way to respond to this post
> so that you can "get Barry" again. And when you find it and post 
> that ultimate scathing reply, you'll *still* be sitting there 
> in front of that same monitor, waiting to see how I respond, 
> and how well you "got Barry" this time. 
> And I won't respond. I'll be off dancing.
> I *know* that in your mind you've found a way to believe that
> you have "won" EVERY interaction between us, for over 14 years 
> now. And you'll find a way to believe that you've "won" this 
> one, too.
> But I'll be off dancing with pretty girls, and you'll be sitting
> there alone, staring at a computer monitor, waiting for me to 
> reply so that you can start "getting Barry" again.
> If you think that's "winning," I feel very sorry for you.

If Judy bothers you so much why do you keep up with your responses?
Seems you're going bonkers. Why? What's your problem?

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