--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An Ex-TMer Remembers the Maharishi
> A former Transcendental Meditation teacher I've known over the Net  
> for some years wrote me this morning. Very moving.
> by William W. Eberwein
> I spent 13 years with Maharishi. Several friends wrote to tell me of  
> his passing. I wrote a few words in reflection.
> MMY died today. He had been predicting it for a few weeks. Missed a  
> few "drop the body" dates, and finally succumbed to whatever ailed  
> him. He was 91.
> A huge part of my life. I feel about him the way Dean Martin did  
> about Jerry Lewis. Best thing that ever happened to me was meeting  
> him. The second best thing was leaving him. I met him in 1971, was  
> "initiated" personally by him into the teaching profession in 1972,  
> taught around 500 people "the technique" and established several  
> centers, and was program manager at the 'TM TV station' in Los  
> Angeles, spent several 6-months retreats with him, and left the  
> movement (as we called it) in 1985.
> He was an enigma. Claiming to be a world teacher, his real aim was to  
> re-elevate Indian culture and influence. He often spoke in harsh  
> terms about the Chinese, and was dismissive of any claims from other  
> traditions until they had been veda-ized. Even science, which he used  
> to underpin his meditative practice, was seen as the sterile though  
> poetic expression of the Life Force -"The Science Of Creative  
> Intelligence." In the last 15-20 years, all of the programs were  
> explicitly "Indian" - from foods and dress codes, to program names.  
> Schools have been set up in India to train young boys into the  
> priesthood. They must be genetic Indians to have the pure sage- 
> capacity, it seems.
> He never taught morals or ethics, and often gleefully counseled us to  
> break laws if it served the purposes of world enlightenment. It was  
> thought that meditation would naturally cause one to live in harmony  
> with nature - and that proper civil laws were derived from nature.  
> Therefore, any requirements or ethics were a "waste of time." When  
> enlightenment dawned, you would naturally be a good citizen.
> "Lie to them!" he told us when he made us teachers of TM. "An  
> elephant has two sets of teeth: one to show and one to chew with!" So  
> we lied about the matras - the names of Shiva - and how we selected  
> them - simply by age - and the goals of meditation, thinking we were  
> serving a higher truth. An odd man.
> "Move the money from SIMS to IMS (two training organizations set up  
> in the early 1970's) until the audit is complete, then move it back."  
> When we told him that this was illegal, he snapped, "It's my money!"
> "Go past the passport gate and then hand your passports through the  
> fence to those still here," he told us, when many of us had exhausted  
> our six month visas in Switzerland . Those who were leaving would  
> pretend to be those who were staying. This was pre-9/11 and very  
> easily accomplished.
> "Start being late and losing their videotapes," he told us at KSCI -  
> the TM TV station - when we wanted valuable air-time back from the  
> Koreans, to whom we had sold it months earlier. We now wanted the  
> prime hours for our own broadcasts, but had signed contracts. "Make  
> them responsible for breaking the contract. They're only Koreans."
> He was very conservative in the 1970's, telling us to cut our hair,  
> allow ourselves to be drafted, and "listen to your parents." As time  
> went on he drifted to the left, mostly due to health-food concerns  
> that irradiation and genetically modified food was vibrationally  
> damaging to the soul, and the accompanying conspiratorial charges  
> that big government and big corporations were intending to enslave  
> people by weakening them with altered foods. Queue the Twilight Zone  
> music.
> Most of his big initiatives were accompanied by wild esoteric  
> prophesies. If we don't get 1000 people to move to Iowa, nuclear war  
> will start. A demon is just outside the solar system, and is about to  
> move the world into "Kali Yuga" (the dark ages) unless we have a  
> facility built in India . He would simultaneously inspire the  
> faithful with declarations that "The Age of Enlightenment has  
> dawned!" or is in "Full Sunshine!" which we could see if we could  
> only open our eyes. Visiting the various Maharishi websites reveal  
> that there is a currency and a King of the Enlightened world, to  
> which other meditators must bow and pay homage. One staggers under  
> the audacity of the enterprise.
> I should write about the good times I had - which would be like the  
> starry-eyed idealists who became Marxists until they started seeing  
> the bodies pile up. Yes, yes, lots of days sipping coffee until dawn  
> in a bohemian apartment, reading utopian poetry, and chasing coeds  
> with Daddy issues. Waking up at dawn to paint signs and march against  
> "the machine," throwing rocks, the tang of tear gas, and the wild  
> glee of having the press bringing pressure to have charges dropped.
> So there were days with the other flower children, feeling we were  
> saving the world. Sipping herb teas and reading Upanishads until  
> dawn, but the same coeds. Giving lectures on meditation, and chanting  
> in an exotic foreign language, chided by the world in their  
> "ignorance" of the beauty of our message. We felt anointed.
> In the end, like the radicals who grew up and rejected Marxism and  
> revolution – I wish I would have joined the Army, gotten married much  
> younger, and taught more kids how to throw a curve ball. Spent those  
> wild years in domesticity and talking to my father. Listening to him.  
> And wish I would have read the book of John, and followed the  
> carpenter from Galilee much earlier.
> This isn't regrets. Just a statement of acknowledgment of where the  
> truth lives.
> William W. Eberwein

Amazing letter Vaj-WOW, kinda confirms a lot of my feeling as well!
Funny he should use the same word for MMY I have been using for
years.....ENIGMA!   Thanks!  BillyG.

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