In a message dated 2/11/08 2:36:33 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Shemp  was purdy durned funny, and ironically, he DIDN'T go over the
top but  instead imagined a real-life scenario for Maharishi in the
late  1800's.

I do think, though, that Shemp missed the boat when he didn't  imagine
someone roping and branding a Sanskrit "OM" on a squealing  Bevan.


> In a message dated 2/11/08  12:11:00 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
> shempmcgurk@ shempmcgurk@<W
> But before you cast judgement on the man, Maharishi  was quite clear 
> that he believed that both slave and free Blacks were  entitled to 
> learn to meditate, although he insisted that they use a  "walking 
> mantra" until age 32. 
>  OMG! How racist!

My comment about Shemp was purely tongue in  cheek.

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