[Raja John Hagelin]  <http://invincibleamerica.org/>
India and Beyond

Dear Fellow Governors, Sidhas and Meditators,

I am writing to you from Allahabad, after three of the most profoundly
transformational days of my life. I wanted to share with you some of the
events of these days, together with a few of my personal
experiences—plus my vision of how we will move forward from here.

The ceremonial events associated with Maharishi's physical remains
have transpired with the utmost sanctity and dignity, in strict
accordance with the Vedic prescriptions laid out for a jagad guru (world
teacher) of Maharishi's extraordinary stature. As I hope many of you
were able to witness over the Maharishi Channel, the Shankaracharya of
Jyotir Math, Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati Maharaj, presided at the Vedic
cremation ceremony, and orchestrated every detail of the Vedic rites, in
consultation with the leaders of Maharishi's Indian Movement and
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World

The Vedic ceremony of cremation was performed on the foundation of the
Rig Veda temple on the grounds of Maharishi's ashram, overlooking
the Sangam—the point of convergence of the holy rivers Ganges, Jumna
and the transcendental Saraswati.

Maharishi was granted a State Honor by the government of India,
befitting a great national hero, with an honor guard of soldiers and a
helicopter showering flower petals from above. Spiritual and political
dignitaries of India and tens of thousands of others from around the
world, including many hundreds from the United States, gathered to pay
their respects to our incomparable and beloved Maharishi.

Every day, the national press featured major stories as the events
unfolded, highlighting Maharishi's global achievements and carrying
the news that Maharishi's vision and legacy of enlightenment and
world peace would be fully realized—both through the global
leadership structure that Maharishi has put in place and through the
dedicated efforts of all the enlightened Governors, Sidhas and
Meditators throughout the world.

After the ceremony, on successive days, the ashes of Maharishi's
mortal remains were scattered—first in the Sangam, in the presence
of hundreds of boats filled with thousands of people, and then in
Varanasi, at the precise spot where Maharishi arranged for Guru
Dev's mortal body to be submerged after his Mahasamadhi 55 years

We now await the final phase of the Vedic ceremony, to be held on
February 20 in the presence of the Shankaracharya, commemorating
Maharishi's ascent to the Supreme abode, the field of Universal

Personal Reflections

I am sure many of you have heard reports of the deeply moving
experiences of those who have been here. I'd like to share two of my
experiences that I found especially transforming. First, on the day
before the cremation, we held a huge press conference, for which I
prepared a press release with our new National Director of Expansion,
Bob Roth. It was an intensive day of organization and interviews, and
when I was finally afforded a moment to rest, upon closing my eyes, I
felt the overwhelming presence of Maharishi—more powerfully and
palpably present than at any time I had ever served him over these past
30 years. Liberated from the constricting influence of his mortal
physiology, Maharishi's awareness seemed more universal and powerful
than ever before. It became so clear to me: Maharishi is with us!

On the following day, it was intensely poignant and, frankly, painful to
witness Maharishi's tender and divine physiology placed upon the
funeral pyre to be consumed by flame with the Vedic rites and
recitations. But in the end, when all that remained were pure, white
ashes, I witnessed the most surprising transformation of all.

At first, it felt like Maharishi was completely liberated from any
restriction from the confines of the human physiology—with its
finite dimensions and frailties of age. It felt like Maharishi was
suddenly completely unbounded, immortal, eternally youthful.

But then I realized that Maharishi, in truth, was never bound by his
mortal physiology. It was only my perception of him that was bound. But
now that misperception was shattered—destroyed before my very eyes.
I realized that it was I who was liberated from any remaining
misperception that Maharishi was localized.

Maharishi is Totality—Brahm. He was always Brahm. He resides within
our most quiet, most tender, most abstract, blissful inner core. He is
our very Self. And he is guiding each of us to the extent that we are
awake to our inner Being—that we are in tune with our inner Self.

This is how Guru Dev—Transcendental Being, Total Natural Law—was
so ever present for Maharishi, and quietly guided Maharishi's every
move, spontaneously achieving everything. And this is how Maharishi will
guide us. This is Silent Administration through Natural Law.

Moving Forward

Now is the time for all of us to come together to fulfill
Maharishi's glorious legacy for the world. Maharishi has given us
all the knowledge, all the techniques, all the programs, and all the
inspiration and guidance needed to bring Global Raam
Raj—enlightenment, invincibility and peace to the world.

Fortunately, during these past months, Maharishi has carefully put in
place an ideal organizational and leadership structure for his global
Movement. This includes, at the international level, our highly
enlightened Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, his 27 Rajas and 8 Purusha Rajas,
his Prime Minister, and his 12 Global Ministers.

This new leadership structure also includes, at the US national level,
an Executive Director of Operations and an Executive Director of
Expansion, plus 12 National Directors and 12 Co-Directors. And it
includes an Executive Director and 12 Directors at the regional, state
and local levels—along with all our highly dedicated Peace Palace
Directors, Maharishi Invincibility Center Directors, and full-time and
part-time Governors. In addition, we have the highly competent financial
administration of Dr. Benjamin Feldman and his team, with whom we will
work closely in order to streamline administration and communication.
And we are also very fortunate that the 12 former US Rajas have offered
to provide their continuing guidance and support for the many key
initiatives they have begun.

I am extremely excited about this new leadership. It is the most
dynamic, highly qualified and experienced team in the history of our US
Movement. We are designing a national expansion and outreach program to
bring Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation to hundreds of schools,
businesses and other organizations—a program that will keep all our
precious Governors fully engaged teaching in the field. We are also
focusing on building up MUM and our Fairfield / MVC super-radiance
community, starting with a huge "David Lynch Weekend" at MUM on
April 25–27, and we hope to recruit as many as 300 new students by

During the next few weeks, I will introduce to you our national
leadership team via the Maharishi Channel and Internet webcast, at which
time we will lay out some of our exciting plans for expansion.

For now, the most important thing to realize is that each and every one
of us has a vital role to play in completing Maharishi's legacy for
the world. Maharishi has truly done it all—the momentum of peace is
irreversible. Together, we will effortlessly and blissfully fulfill
Maharishi's vision, which is now our proud and fortunate destiny to

With my very best wishes,

Jai Guru Dev,

John Hagelin
Raja of Invincible America

source: http://invincibleamerica.org/emailing/2008_02_14.html

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