We should not forget that Maharishi spoke of 200% value of life. I,
> for one, will be interested in the progress of the big machines
> plumbing the depths of Maya, in parallel with my own subjective
> explorations of inner reality.

We're pretty fortunate really at this time as humans. We are in the very 
crux of things for this planet. We could be said to be a part of Her mind as 
we try to scatter Her organic material across the universe like pollen. All 
of us. Together. We should carry the gift of Goddess Gaia-Maya-Bhu across 
the universe. We need atomic and subatomic knowledge for star travel. It 
should be a priority to place our eggs in many baskets. And terraform other 
potential places. I always said all the religious 'heaven and earth' 
analoges were literal. As that sort of diversity and open ended freedom 
would literally make for a larger energy capability. More energy = more 
life. But many things politically would need to happen to make it an equal 
venture for all beings over corporations or oligarchies, or even religions. 
We need to look to what is natural and evident and pursuade science to keep 
its fair and testable function and not patent the frontiers of it.


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