I need a review.  I just can't really remember how the seven states of
consciousness worked and a brief googling didn' get me much other than


Maharishi: "Right from the beginning, higher states of consciousness
has meant seven states of consciousness. There is sleeping, dreaming,
waking, and Transcendental Consciousness—the fourth state of
consciousness. Then there is Cosmic Consciousness—the fifth state of
consciousness. "Cosmic" means the fourth state, Transcendental
Consciousness, along with the other three, because all the other three
are influenced by the experience of the fourth state of consciousness.
Then comes God Consciousness, which is a very special state of
consciousness where the supreme quality of relativity is brought into
consideration. Of course Unity is very clear. Unity is the unity of
all diversity. "All diversity" means two values—all values of
knowledge and all values of action—all diverse values completely
unified. So it is a holistic value—Unity."

And MMY on enlightenment:


"Enlightenment is the normal, natural state of health for the body and
mind. It results from the full development of consciousness and
depends upon the perfect and harmonious functioning of every part of
the body and nervous system. When one is using the full potential of
the mind and body in this way, every thought and action is
spontaneously correct and life-supporting. This is life free from
suffering, life lived in its full stature and significance.
"The goal of the Transcendental Meditation Technique is the state of
enlightenment. This means we experience that inner calmness, that
quiet state of least excitation, even when we are dynamically busy."

And from another TM site:


A new breakthrough study is the first to begin to quantify the fifth
state of consciousness - Enlightenment or Cosmic Consciousness - using
a new Integration Scale. 

So, is enlightenment according to TM theory cosmic consciousness? what
are the characteristics of CC?  Where does the ability to mess with
the laws of physics come in? I.e., the ability to fly, be invisible, etc.

I "get" unity consciousness, but not god consciousness.  Can anyone
give me a quick review? 

Also, I remember a lot of talking about bliss consciousness.  Where
does that fit in the seven states?

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