I always want to honor McCain for having served five years in a cage
for us, but I keep coming up short.  I keep seeing him as "damaged
goods."  I mean, put me in a cage for ten seconds and I'm bitching
about for the rest of my life, right?  What sort of abyss did John
peer into in that cage, what did torture do to him, was he victimized,
and how has that informed his "war policies?"  Is there a massive knot
of hate at the ready?  The guard dogs of the military are killed
rather than recycled into civilian life -- it would simply cost too
much to deprogram them.  Ask Pavlov about dogs and men.

I keep thinking McCain's got somethin'a'brewin' in thar -- especially
after his "100 more years in Iraq is okay with me" statement.

I'll tell ya, all these folks going around calling Obama a Muslim
because of some school he attended 30 years ago sure as hell should
look at what "schooled" McCain's mind in that cage.  What about
Patricia Hearst turning into Tanya aren't we getting?  Do we want a
president who has "all the reasons he needs" to "nuke the gooks, er,
ragheads," and "kick their ass and steal their gas?"

I know how the tragedies of my life are handcuffing my "best intents"
daily, and I have nothing so dark as John's cage in my past.  He might
be a spiritual giant who "could handle the truth, er, purifying
tapas," but I just don't see it in his presentations.  I see him
"stooped," "bent," and deeply fatigued -- I don't know how he keeps
truckin' but it's all too easy to think that there's some black engine
of hate driving him.

That said, what about "being raised a Black Man in America" am I
ignoring here?  Obama must have, as virtually every Black American
has, a motivating dynamic that whites-cannot-know.  I don't feel that
that rancor is very near "his surface," so I'm still cutting him a
break, but, by GAWD, I'd bet a ton of money that it's there, and all
the more power to him that it seemingly is something he's got clarity
about.  Fingers crossed here -- all the tyrants were good rabble
rousers -- but, hey, maybe it takes a bit of the devil to have an ego
that gladly seeks power.  Maybe the good guys can't get it up for the
fights and must necessarily watch some hot-shot go-to guy come off the
bench and score a touchdown....Jesse Jackson might be biting his
tongue until it bleeds, ya know?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> suziezuzie wrote:-
> > I doubt that because Obama really a pie in the sky tax and spend
> > liberal with no qualifications what so ever. McCain is the better
> > choice since he has promised not to raise taxes and has more political
> > experience. He's better for the country. 
> ROTFL!  This country will never elect another Republican president
> the mess this one has made.  McCain is old, he has had cancer so there 
> is a likelihood he'll come down with it again.  It will be easy to 
> defeat him.  One thing is for sure this will be a very dirty and
> election year.

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