> TurquoiseB wrote:
> The original story:
> Ah. Your stories are so uplifting that they
> made me smile with the memory of the mindset.
> Can't fault that, eh? WAY positive.
> So here's one of mine, that captures a little
> of the same mindset that used to be so easily
> inspired. Back when MIU was still in the apart-
> ment complex in Santa Barbara, Maharishi was due
> to visit. I drove up from L.A. to see him in my
> old, clunky Saab 96. Towards the end of the
> ride it was gasping and stalling, barely able
> to make it there, but I finally did. I pulled
> it into the underground parking lot, and I man-
> aged to get it into a parking space right near
> the elevator that led up to the complex. Once
> it was in the parking space I tried and tried
> to restart it, but it was dead. No luck.
> But I was there to see Maharishi, so I didn't
> worry about practical stuff like that. I enjoyed
> the talk and all, and then, when it was time for
> him to leave, his handlers took him down the
> elevator to his car, such that he had to walk
> right past my Saab.
> After he'd gone and it was time for me to go back
> to L.A., I got into the Saab and turned the key
> and it started right up. It was clearly a miracle
> brought about by Maharishi's close proximity to
> the car. For the next week or so, every time the
> car would overheat and have the same problem, I'd
> leave it for a while and Maharishi's divine pres-
> ence would reach out from Switzerland and fix it
> again, and lo! it would start again. More miracles.
> Then I got the carburator fixed and he didn't have
> to bother any more.

"and now you know ... the REST of the story" (to quote Paul Harvery)

that was sweet Barry; thanks

amazing, how [we all felt like that] way back when

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