--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
> <mailander111@> wrote:
> >
> > You sure it's fear and not greed?
> I'm not sure if Babaji dialogues.  I think this forum is his shell 
> and he's the oyster.   He deposits his pearls of knowledge for 
> others to ooh and ah over, marveling at their profundity.

Good post Lurk.  Try this.  Each of Babaji's posts have the "Agni" 
value.  They are complete within themselves and require no 
additional commentary. "With a name like Babaji, it's gotta be good"

> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- Robert <babajii_99@> wrote:
> > 
> > > War is created in fear and leads to all kinds of
> > > evil acts.
> > > Some have explained this strange sub-human behaviour
> > > by the belief in 
> > > energies that are not of a good intent.
> > > 
> > > Therefore, some have felt, that inhuman acts are
> > > sponsored by 'Lower 
> > > Vibrations', or disembodied spirits, or even
> > > demons...
> > > 
> > > Many times in the New Testament, Jesus is said to
> > > 'Heal by expelling 
> > > demons, sometimes legions of demons.
> > > When fear builds up(which is what the lower
> > > vibrations are rooted in),
> > > And it builds up the the ultimate subversion of
> > > human behavior- war...
> > > Well, you can say, the devil has had his way...
> > > 
> > > The so-called evil one, is here to steal human
> > > souls, bring them to 
> > > forget about God, bring them to be cynical, polarize
> > > them to be afraid 
> > > of one another...
> > > 
> > > Basically, make a mockery of 'God's Kingdom'...
> > > 
> > > This is what Jesus and Maharishi said, about
> > > 'Bringing the Kingdom to 
> > > Earth'...
> > > 
> > > But that would take: Overcoming Fear.
> > > 
> > > Fear always precedes and chooses seperation and war.
> > > This is why Unity Consciousness is the antidote to
> > > war.
> > > 
> > > So, we hear about this disturbing war stories of
> > > Iraq, Kosovo, Viet 
> > > Nam, WWII, The Civil War, and all the rest.
> > > We wonder how perfectly intelligent human beings in
> > > Germany in the 
> > > 1930's and 40's could have done those horrible
> > > things.
> > > But according to some, there not only can be a
> > > possession of the spirit 
> > > individually, 
> > > But a whole nation can become possessed with this
> > > same vibration.
> > > Some leaders have used this fear to scare and
> > > manipulate people to 
> > > choose the path of cynicism and the path to war.
> > > Hopefully, we can end the forces of possession that
> > > continue to blind 
> > > the deciders to make the right decisions:
> > > According to the Laws of Nature, and the Laws of
> > > God....
> > > See below the excorcism service performed according
> > > the Catholic 
> > > Tradition. 
> > > 
> > > Exorcism 
> > > ________________________________________
> > > Exorcism is mainly thought of as the rite of driving
> > > out the Devil and 
> > > his demons from possessed persons. Exorcism is
> > > mainly performed in 
> > > incidences of demonic possession that is generally
> > > distinguished from 
> > > spiritual possession. A general assumption is that
> > > the Roman Catholic 
> > > singularly practices the rite of exorcism, but some
> > > Protestant 
> > > denominations such as the Pentecostals and other
> > > charismatic groups 
> > > practice it as well. These groups refer to the
> > > practice as "deliverance 
> > > ministry" where gifted people drive out devils and
> > > heal while they 
> > > touch the persons with their hands, called laying on
> > > of hands, and pray 
> > > over them.
> > > Technically, exorcism is not driving out the Devil
> > > or a demon, but it 
> > > is placing the Devil or demon on oath. And, in some
> > > incidences there 
> > > may be more than one demon possessing a person.
> > > "Exorcism" is derived 
> > > from the Greek preposition ek with the verb horkizo
> > > which means "I 
> > > cause [someone] to swear" and refers to "putting the
> > > spirit or demon on 
> > > oath," or invoking a higher authority to bind the
> > > entity in order to 
> > > control it and command it to act contrary to its own
> > > will.
> > > In the Christian sense this higher authority is
> > > Jesus Christ. This act 
> > > is based on the belief that the Devil, his demons,
> > > and evil spirits are 
> > > afraid of Christ. The belief itself is based on
> > > Scripture. Coming from 
> > > the sea of Galilee Christ entered the land of the
> > > Gerasenes. He was 
> > > immediately met by a man from the tombs cut into the
> > > mountains of the 
> > > area. The man was said to be possessed of an unclean
> > > spirit. Nothing 
> > > could bind this man, not even chains. He lived in
> > > the mountains, 
> > > crying, and cutting himself with stones. But, so it
> > > is told, when 
> > > seeing Christ approaching, the man went to him
> > > seeking help. The 
> > > unclean demon immediately recognized Christ, and
> > > Christ recognized the 
> > > demon. Christ, then, summoned the spirit to leave
> > > the man, and asked 
> > > his name. "My name is Legion," answered the spirit,
> > > "for we are many." 
> > > Once the demons left the man, Christ sent them into
> > > a nearby heard of 
> > > swine who then jumped in to the sea and drown. (Mark
> > > 5:1-13) Unlike 
> > > other exorcists, it is believed, that Christ did not
> > > exorcise because 
> > > He did not need to call on a higher authority since
> > > He Himself was that 
> > > higher authority.
> > > Now, not only did Christ exorcize demons, or unclean
> > > spirits, but he 
> > > gave the powers to his disciples. "...he gave the
> > > power against unclean 
> > > spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of
> > > sickness, and all 
> > > manner of disease." (Matt.10:1)
> > > From these two Biblical passages and others
> > > Catholics and Protestants 
> > > alike believe they have the power to cast out the
> > > Devils and to heal. 
> > > The Catholic Church has a procedure out-lined rite
> > > of exorcism which is 
> > > set forth in "The Rituale Romanum." Other than this
> > > text the ritual has 
> > > great variance determined by the exorcist performing
> > > the exorcism. The 
> > > code of Cannon Law allows authorized ministers (the
> > > exorcists) to 
> > > perform solemn exorcisms not only over the faithful,
> > > but also over non-
> > > Catholics and those who have been excommunicated
> > > from the Church.
> > > During the ritual usually salt, representing purity,
> > > and wine, 
> > > representing the blood of Christ, is present. The
> > > victim is to hold a 
> > > crucifix during the rite. The exorcist is encouraged
> > > to use holy water 
> > > and relics, usually pieces of bones from Saints, and
> > > recite Biblical 
> > > scriptures and other prayers.
> > > The greatest danger to the exorcist is becoming
> > > possessed by the Devil 
> > > or demon himself. This is the reason why the
> > > exorcist must feel as free 
> > > of sin as possible and feel no secret need for
> > > punishment. Otherwise, 
> > > the Devil or demon can easily entrap him. An example
> > > of this is Father 
> > > Jean-Joseph Surin, the Jesuit exorcist of Loudun,
> > > who became possessed 
> > > while ministering to Sister Jeannes des Angest.
> > > Surin was reared in a 
> > > cloister, practiced severe self-denial during his
> > > early years as a 
> > > priest, experienced severe muscle pains, and had
> > > virtually cut himself 
> > > off from all social contact which led him to come to
> > > the Sisters' 
> > > Convent in poor health and a confused state of mind.
> > > Unlike his fellow 
> > > Jesuits he was thoroughly convinced Sister Jeanne
> > > and her companion 
> > > Sisters were truly possessed. Author Aldous Huxley
> > > in his "The Devils 
> > > of Loudun" (1952) described Surin's mental state as
> > > one 
> > > of "pathological illiteracy."
> > > This is possibly the reason that Malachi Martin, a
> > > former Jesuit 
> > > professor, claimed in his book "Hostage to the
> > > Devil" (1976), that much 
> > > of the success of the exorcism depends upon the
> > > exorcist. He describes 
> > > the type of priest best suited to be an exorcist as
> > > being a man of good 
> > > physical health, being of middle age, routinely
> > > going about his normal 
> > > pastoral duties. He usually is not brilliant or
> > > engaged in teaching or 
> > > 
> > === message truncated ===
> > 
> > 
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