Like most I just ignore Willy unless occasionally I want to toss a few 
basket balls or softballs or a pie at him.  I only read the exchange 
yesterday because I notice what was going on between Angela and Willy.   
Willy has never defined what "winning the war" is so I challenged him on 
that and of course he can't answer because he doesn't have one.  Now 
that's funny and something you can try out the next time you face one of 
the "bumps" that thinks the war is a good thing.

Duveyoung wrote:
> Angela,  (and Turq, Judy, Marek, Bhairitu, Lurk, Robert, Kirk, Sal,
> Do.rflex, Vaj, Dhamiltony2k5, Wayback71, Matrixmonitor, Stu, Hagen J.
> Holtz, and Curtis)
> Thanks, Angela, for smacking the War Monger with a bucket of truth.
> I've lost my motivation -- he's got his shields on red alert, fully
> blinkered, and if he lived next door to me, I'd move.  With his
> denial, he's merely going to come back at you with some other issue or
> a quote from the Vedas or some smarmy crap.  As I've been repeatedly
> told about this troll, his only goal is to get others riled up, and
> he's shooting fish in a barrel, because, what with the likes of you
> and I displaying our values, he knows what targets to shotgun.  If we
> were worshiping the War Monger's mother, he'd say something negative
> about her.  
> He's insentient to his own heart and smug about this numbness.  He's
> never written a single word of love, wholeness, or compassion.
> I wonder if we could get, say, ten decent folks here out of the above
> list -- folks who post a lot of good stuff, good decent folks -- to go
> on strike until Rick bans him.  There's only about 25 regulars here,
> so maybe Rick's pride in having a hot message board would come to the
> fore and he'd dump the War Monger for the greater good.  
> Sorry, Rick, you have a lot of wisdom, but I think you've made a bad
> call to allow this particular marauder to post here with such
> relentless intent to harm us.  His whacks are NOT Zen whacks --
> they're simply whackings for whackings' sake.
> It does nothing for us that we expose ourselves to such attacks on our
> values.  There's no profit in this exercising our restraint.  I've got
> my restraint muscle nicely pumped up, thank you, don't need more
> weights to lift.  So I feel a daily pressure on myself for what this
> means for my integrity. 
> Who here would watch a child being abused in the street, probably not
> even the War Monger, but my babe-in-arms values are stomped by this
> fucking shitheel, and no one blinks except to say, "ignore him." As it
> is, our values become the babies he rapes, the children he dismembers,
> the puppies he throws over cliffs -- just to see our hearts filled
> with the dismay that the War Monger cannot feel.  He's using us to see
> his pain.
> Turq, Judy, Marek, Bhairitu, Angela, Lurk, Robert, Kirk, Sal,
> Do.rflex, Vaj, Dhamiltony2k5, Wayback71, Matrixmonitor, Stu, Hagen J.
> Holtz, and Curtis -- please, I don't need another lecture about
> turning a cheek, ignoring, or growing up, just at least, right now,
> spend one post and simply say to this wad of dung, "I'm not a war
> monger, I don't espouse raping countries and people for oil, and I
> don't appreciate your posts that support such marauding."
> Boom done.  That would be 18 people hammering the War Monger's ego --
> if that doesn't get the message through to him, then, finally, maybe
> Rick will see the poisonous drool that the War Monger drips into the
> party's fruit punch with a malevolent leering intent.
> Edg

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