Go take a look at the bubble diagram again.  Yes I was a Governor.  You 
still haven't answered my other question.  Why?  And you didn't clearly 
state you were not a teacher.  Why?  Are you a coward?  Is that what 
happens to beings living under bridges?

Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> What TM teacher training course did you graduate from? 
> Bhairitu wrote:   
>> Biarritz spring 1976. Now that I answered your question 
>> please tell which one you graduated from?
> Is this some kind of trick question? 
>> If you had you would have heard the lecture on advanced 
>> techniques and the talk about the difference between the 
>> first and advanced.
> I got my first advanced technique from Satyanand and my 
> second advanced technique from the Marshy himself. No mention 
> of any bija mantra angles. I was taught the A of E techniques 
> in 1975 on one of the first siddhi courses in Austin. The 
> A of E techniques were only taught on 3 or 4 courses and then 
> they were replaced by the TM-Sidhis. The A of E techniques 
> were supposed to bring on the siddhis. They involve putting 
> your attention systematically on different parts of the body 
> and then on different parts of the world and finally on the 
> universe. They are preceeded by fast pranayama. 
> I've heard many talks about advanced techniques in Austin
> in 1976, at the TM-Sidhi Center. There was no mention of
> any bija mantra "angles". There was no mention of any angles 
> at my first introductory TM lecture by Jerry Jarvis in 1965
> at SIMS in Westwood. I've heard dozens of TM introductory 
> lectures since then and in none of them was a bija mantra 
> angle mentioned. There's no difference between the TM lecture
> I heard and the ones that any other student hears. There is
> nothing in the TM checking notes about any angles.
>> Many teachers when asked about advanced techniques usually
>> paraphrase from these lectures. You obviously aren't 
>> a teacher but like to pose as a "TM expert" which is very 
>> difficult to do unless you attended the TTCs 
> According to Vaj, this amounts to next to nothing! 
> Face it, all you get in advanced techniques are a few Sankrit 
> words to add to your mantra - some fertilizer, that's it. No 
> new bija mantras, no angles. 
>> especially the later ones which were longer and more 
>> information provided (and for those who attended the quick 
>> early TTCs they got more info on their AofE courses).
> Are you suggesting that you are a TM teacher of Advanced 
> Techniques? A Minister or a Governor?
> In TM you get only one single bija mantra. In advanced 
> techniques you get fertilizer words to add before and after 
> your bija mantra. There are no mantras or bijas in the 
> TM-Sidhi Program. 
> "True about Willytex, however, I did notice much of what he 
> said seemed genuine and checked out accurately in my book, 
> with the exceptions I noted....he had an incredible amount 
> of info. and trivia, he may be extraordinary in this respect!"  
> - Willaim G. Murphy, Governor of the Age of Enlightenment 

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