Right on Dove.  Add to this the fact that many young
black men in a ghetto have a basic choice:  work for
less than minimum wage or deal drugs.  When i was
teaching in the black community, under the first bush,
many, many parents asked me, "Why is Bush bringing in
drugs for our children?"  And he was.  The guy
overseeing that operation was Theodore Shaklee who was
also behind the Iran-Contra affair--Olly was just the

What could I say to those parents, but the truth:  To
destroy your community.

As for the AIDS virus, I do not know the facts, but it
is rumored widely in the world that it was
bio-engineered by America to depopulate Africa.  In
China, everyone I knew believed a Russian scientist
who claimed that the SARS virus was bio-engineered. 
Who would have done that was the immediate question.  
And "America" was the immediate answer.  I haven't
researched this as I have other crimes, but it would
fit the general M.O. and the ever-present motive.  

--- Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Shemp,
> I think that most of the folks here agree with me.
> My blurbs about the sermons below in blue font.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"
> wrote:
> >
> > If the facts in this article are true, not only
> will he not be
> > elected president, he won't get the nomination
> REGARDLESS of how many
> > delegates he has.
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------
> >
> > from: http://tinyurl.com/2xtfub
> >
> >
> >
> > Obama and the Minister
> > March 14, 2008; Page A19
> >
> > In a sermon delivered at Howard University, Barack
> Obama's longtime
> > minister, friend and adviser blamed America for
> starting the AIDS
> > virus,
> This may not be true, but given the criminal
> operations of the FDA, I
> cannot rule out that the experiments in injecting
> people with monkey pus
> are scientific or capitalistic.  I'm leaning towards
> capitalistic.
> training professional killers,
> The Blackwater Army is one example, as are the
> heinous acts of torture
> by our troops, and shooting down in cold blood a
> black man on his steps
> by a gang of police shooting dozens of bullets at an
> these things, and you'll just be "Shemp doing that
> shit again" to most
> here.
> importing drugs
> The opium growers of Afghanistan are openly
> acknowledged by BushCo as
> "necessary evils" to insure that we don't have to
> fight these warlords
> while searching of Bin Laden.  And this is a old old
> story -- the poppy
> fields are never sprayed with poison by a quick
> strike from America for
> instance.
> and creating a
> > racist society that would never elect a black
> candidate president.
> When I was raised, my childhood history books never
> showed dead blacks
> in nooses, dead Native Americans, etc., nor was I
> ever prompted to
> examine what was the state of racial relationships
> in America.  It took
> me DECADES to undo what my school, my parents, and
> my society did to
> empower me to hate black folks and feel superior. 
> Read one modern book
> about Black History and you will have all the proof
> of state-sanctioned
> jackboots on the backs of African Americans' necks.
> >
> > The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., pastor of Mr.
> Obama's Trinity United
> > Church of Christ in Chicago, gave the sermon at
> the school's Andrew
> > Rankin Memorial Chapel in Washington on Jan. 15,
> 2006.
> >
> >
> > Trinity United Church of Christ/Religion News
> Service
> > Sen. Barack Obama and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright
> > "We've got more black men in prison than there are
> in college," he
> > began.
> This was easy for white America to arrange via
> Makek's example recently
> posted and by the drug laws.  There can be no
> question regarding the
> unfairness of how the courts treat black folks.
> "Racism is alive and well. Racism is how this
> country was
> > founded and how this country is still run.
> This is absolute truth.
> No black man will ever be
> > considered for president, no matter how hard you
> run Jesse [Jackson]
> > and no black woman can ever be considered for
> anything outside what
> > she can give with her body."
> Well, here he's wrong since Obama looks like he
> might pull it off.  I
> think we have to thank BushCo for being so obviously
> criminal that to
> white Americans, even a black Muslim seems a change
> for the better.
> >
> > Mr. Wright thundered on: "America is still the No.
> 1 killer in the
> > world. . . .
> So fucking true.
> We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs,
> the
> > exporting of guns, and the training of
> professional killers . . .
> True.
> We
> > bombed Cambodia, Iraq and Nicaragua, killing women
> and children while
> > trying to get public opinion turned against Castro
> and Ghadhafi . . .
> True.
> > We put [Nelson] Mandela in prison and supported
> apartheid the whole
> > 27 years he was there.
> Don't know if America had any direct involvement in
> Mandela's
> imprisonment, but we sure didn't make it a political
> issue when dealing
> with the white racist government that jailed him.
> We believe in white supremacy and black
> > inferiority and believe it more than we believe in
> God."
> That's a very sad note that even black pride is
> being eroded -- or at
> the least black pride is being kept from fully
> emerging.
> >
> > His voice rising, Mr. Wright said, "We supported
> Zionism shamelessly
> > while ignoring the Palestinians and branding
> anybody who spoke out
> > against it as being anti-Semitic. . . .
> True.  We allow Israel to have a 100 nukes, but the
> Palestinians are
> shot down like dogs if they merely have a sneer on
> their faces.
> We care nothing about human
> > life if the end justifies the means. . . ."
> Raw, real, carnage is called patriotic when it is
> merely profiteering.
> >
> > Concluding, Mr. Wright said: "We started the AIDS
> virus . . . We are
> > only able to maintain our level of living by
> making sure that Third
> > World people live in grinding poverty. . . ."
> Very true.  25% of the world lives on less than a
> single dollar per day,
> and America hasn't done jackshit to assuage it
> except for propaganda
> purposes to show that white Americans have heart.
> >
> > Considering this view of America, it's not
> surprising that in
> > December Mr. Wright's church gave an award to
> Louis Farrakhan for
> > lifetime achievement. In the church magazine,
> Trumpet, 
=== message truncated ===

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