--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5"
> Nice summary post Turq. I like your secular description.   

"Secular descriptions" is just what I DO, Doug.
It's a trait I picked up from the Rama fellow.
He was somehow able to talk about the most 
esoteric and tech-y phenomena without having
to throw around a lot of spiritual buzzwords.

The buzzwords are nice, and can be precise, IF
the audience for the talk or the written message
all understands them, and understands them in
the same way. If they do not, you're going to
almost by definition leave some people in the
dust, and give rise to misunderstandings. 

Besides, I get off on the *challenge* of trying
to come up with my own words for my own exper-
iences, rather than rely on someone else's.

> Thanks for calling attention to this thread with this post 
> and your earlier ones with vaj.  

Well, it's just that something came up in that
particular bash-Vaj session that I felt needed
to be cleared up. A couple of people assumed 
that if one is sitting in the same room with a
spiritual teacher and perceiving some subjec-
tive benefit from that, it's a shakti phenomenon.

My experience is that this is not so. I've been
there done that with shakti, and know what it
feels like. And I've been there done that with 
being in the same room with the energy of nirvi-
kalpa samadhi or rigpa, and I know what *that*
feels like, too. And the two phenomena are very,
very different -- orders of magnitude apart.

So I just felt obliged to try to describe that
from my own point of view and in my own words,
to see whether it was possible to make that
distinction for someone who might not have ever
experienced the difference, or the phenomena
themselves. I still don't know whether I did, 
but the exercise itself was fun.

I was wondering whether to post this next link, 
because I'm pretty sure it will "draw fire" from
some who don't like to hear different points of
view on this subject of shakti vs. samadhi. It's
a talk from 1982, tape recorded and transcribed
by me, on this very subject. Some will hear it
as poppycock, and they are welcome to do so. The
teacher in question was FULL of poppycock, and
I doubt that he would be offended by anyone con-
sidering this particular rap silly or incorrect.

On the other hand, he could DO all of the things
he speaks about in this talk, and we in the audi-
ence had sat in rooms with him experiencing them
for some time when he finally got around to giv-
ing this particular explanation. I remember that
it greatly clarified things for me at the time,
and explained what I had been feeling before 
about the *difference* between the two energies
(shakti vs. samadhi), but never was able to pin
down clearly. Maybe it'll do the same for someone
else here. Maybe not. Anyway, here's the link.
The talk I'm referring to is the first one in
this story; the others are from different evenings
and about different subjects:


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