Richardson says the speech Obama gave in response to the Rev. Wright
smear campaign showed his real leadership abilities and sealed the
deal for his endorsement. Richardson called for the negative tone and
dirty politics to come to an end and for the party to come together to
put forward a positive message. He says he still has enormous respect
for both Bill and Hillary Clinton, but in the end, it was the
negativity that started to take place after the Texas primary that
moved him to move toward Obama.

>From an Interview with Keith Olbermann---

RICHARDSON: "Well I waited because I was just legitimately very torn.
You mentioned my ties to the Clintons, my loyalties to President
Clinton, my support and respect for Senator Clinton.

   But, I just realized that if I was going to make a difference, at a
time we need party unity, at a time when the campaign was really
getting nasty and personal, at a time when Senator Obama responded, I
believe, in such a courageous way to a problem in his campaign — those
remarks by his own pastor — I felt that I needed to step in and say
that I am backing Senator Obama because I think this man has got
something very good about him, something very special."


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