An axion condensate, 
 a likely constituent of Dark Matter,
 may be the medium of non-local consciousness,
 and may as well be the ‘pilot wave’ medium of Bohm Theory

 In this paper, the principal message is the medium, not the model. 
However, having presented the argument for consciousness embedded in 
Dark Matter, we mention its consistency with a model of 
consciousness presented at this conference (QM2003) and also discuss 
two relevant models from the internet.
1. BEC media posited for consciousness
 Assuming a material world, the non-local properties of 
consciousness (see below) suggest that it must exist in a 
macroscopic coherent quantum medium, called a Bose-Einstein 
Condensate (BEC) that is meters in extent and perhaps global. Known 
BECs such as super-fluids and superconductors only exist near 
absolute zero. To explain consciousness the BEC medium must exist at 
room temperature.
The presumption of a BEC medium to explain our visible, waking or 
physical consciousness underlies both the early Frolich/Marshall 
(where the medium is a coherent field of membrane dipoles) and the 
more recent Penrose/Hameroff microtubule-medium model. Both models 
require metabolic excitation to a state of thermodynamic 
non-equilibrium (see Hagan, QM2003), consistent with a physical 
consciousness that can turn off and turn on, as in sleeping and 

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