I keep wondering how some intelligent people I know can still be
supporting Hillary.  I'd been coming to the conclusion that people see
what they want to see, believe what they want to believe...  I decided
that probably those who still strongly support her simply can't see
what I see.  Now I know that all of us perceive things according to
our conditioning and that includes me.  I know I have my tendencies to
see and believe what I want to, although with some maturing those
tendencies are being eroded.  Nevertheless, Hillary's behavior has
been so over the top that it's hard to miss the many red flags about
her ethics, character, and psychological makeup.

This thoughtful analysis from the Wall Street Journal sums it up for
me -- and I'm quoting a paragraph here which is near the end and is
hysterically funny.

http://online.wsj.com/article/declarations.html  (sorry, don't know
how to make this a link...)

"What struck me as the best commentary on the Bosnia story came from a
poster called GI Joe who wrote in to a news blog: "Actually Mrs.
Clinton was too modest. I was there and saw it all. When Mrs. Clinton
got off the plane the tarmac came under mortar and machine gun fire. I
was blown off my tank and exposed to enemy fire. Mrs. Clinton without
regard to her own safety dragged me to safety, jumped on the tank and
opened fire, killing 50 of the enemy." Soon a suicide bomber appeared,
but Mrs. Clinton stopped the guards from opening fire. "She talked to
the man in his own language and got him [to] surrender. She found that
he had suffered terribly as a result of policies of George Bush. She
defused the bomb vest herself." Then she turned to his wounds. "She
stopped my bleeding and saved my life. Chelsea donated the blood."

Made me laugh. It was like the voice of the people answering back.
This guy knows that what Mrs. Clinton said is sort of crazy. He seems
to know her reputation for untruths. He seemed to be saying, "I get it." "

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