--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
> > Barry writes snipped:
> > I'm completely *comfortable* with the notion of there
> > being a Saganesque "billions and billions" of realities. 
> > That poses no problem for me whatsoever. 
> TomT:
> For me it appears to be a Baskin and Robbins store with trillions of
> flavors and ultimately the only thing you can know is the flavor of
> you the perceiver. It has your flavor as it is filtered through the
> DNA you are made of. You impart the flavor by the act of perceiving.

Exactly. "Reality" is IMO another way of saying
"interdependent origination." There is no "reality"
that stands on its own, independent of a perceiver.

> Have fun. TOm

Always. You, too, I trust...

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