> >
> > >
Would you trust your Spiritual life, to a TM-TB'er now?
> > >
> >
If you had the time to read and think about this, 
would you sign this?  To get in to the domes?

19.     If any issue or claim arises between the parties, both agree 
to seek in good faith to resolve such issue or claim through 
negotiation using, if necessary, the assistance of a third party 
mediator who shall be chosen by the Executive Council (EC).

If the above procedure does not resolve the issue, …both parties 
agree that any issue which is related in any way to this Agreement,… 
shall be settled by arbitration in New York, on a confidential 
basis…  and rules that the arbitrators may adopt.  Three arbitrators 
shall be chosen by the President of EC.  …
The decision or award of the arbitrators… may be enforced in any 

20.     I have read and understand everything in this agreement and I 
intend to be legally bound by this agreement.

> > 
> >   o the A of  E Agreement
> > 
> > 4. I understand that the practice of the programs does not 
> > the acceptance of any belief or lifestyle.
> > 
> > 6. I understand that the organizations teaching the programs and 
> > Advanced Courses of the AoE are non-profit organizations 
> to 
> > benefiting the individual, society and the world and that all of 
> > their resources and energy are used to fulfill these valuable 
> > purposes.
> > 
> > These organizations shall be entitled to enforce this provision 
> > the Agreement by injunctive relief as well as be entitled to any 
> > other legal or equitable remedy.
> >
> 11.  or those teachings received on any prior courses.  
> I agree that I will not in the future modify or change in any way 
> teachings that I have received in prior courses or will receive on 
> this course unless instructed to do so by an authorized teacher of 
> the organization.
> > 17.  I also agree that the organizations offering this course may 
> > intervene at any time in any proceeding involving a teacher, or 
> > organization in order to enforce the provisions of this agreement 
> for 
> > the benefit of itself, the teacher or other organization.  The 
> > organization conducting this Course shall have the right, without 
> my 
> > consent, to transfer its rights and obligations contained in this 
> > Agreement to any other person or organization.
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev,
> >

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