Checking on the betting lines re the likely winner among the U.S. 
presidential candidates, the following are some of the odds currently 
available from different online bookies:
Obama: (10/11) (4/5) (5/6) (4/5) (9/10) (7/10) (4/5) (5/6) (5/6) 
(10/11) (10/11) (5/6) (11/10) (19/17) (13/12) 
McCain: (11/8) (6/4) (11/8) (6/4) (13/10) (6/4) (6/4) (11/8) (11/8) 
(13/8) (11/8) (11/8) (6/5) (5/4) (32/19) (5/3) 

Clinton: (13/2) (5.7/5.6) (13/2) (5.7/7) (10/3) (5.6/6)  (9/2.8)

[I can't verify all these for accuracy since I copied and pasted from a 
spreadsheet format and some of the numbers got funny. That's why 
Clinton only has 8 different odds and not 15.  The trends are the same 
throughout, however.]

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