Vaj wrote:
> Wrong. TM does not require that you know the 
> meaning of your mantra, in fact they want you 
> to believe it's a "meaningless sound".
Wrong. In no TM introductory lecture have I ever
heard of the TM mantra referred to as a "meaningless
sound". In fact, the TM bija mantras are always 
described as sounds "without semantic meaning" or
"sounds whose effects are known." That's not the 
same as a "meaningless sound". Bija mantras are not 
words found in any Sanskrit lexicon, so any meaning
ascribed to them would be purely arbitrary based
on the guru's instructions.

Obviously, any bija mantra given in initiation will 
have meaning to the recipient, but not necessarily 
a semantic meaning. You are confused or either 
trying to start another argument. At first, your
misinformation was amusing - I assumed you had some
knowledge of these matters - not you're just trying
to inflame - for what purpose?

> But it's simply not true.
In TM you are only given one bija mantra. In fact,
no "mantras" are given in TM. Mantras are the words
found in the Rig Veda - there are no bija mantras
mentioned in the Rig Veda.

> Why spread lies when we don't have to?
Yeah, why are you spreading lies, Vaj? Have you not
ever been to a TM introductory lecture?

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