The Pope's visit to the America,
Was a perfect example of how healing takes place...
By facing issues head-on.
And by becoming one through compassion of the heart, the soul.
And even forgiving your enemy's:
'The truly revolutionary message of Jesus teaching, of Oneness of the Soul'.
Divisions based on ego identification, does not transcend the differences;
And becomes the basis of fearing the 'other'...
Healing can only take place in a place of unity.
United we will be strong.
Divided and distracted, we won't begin to move forward in any meaningful way.
Distractions concerning guns and war-mongering religion reflects the same 
attitude of the people on the Islamic side.
Transcending the human condition of suffering begins with placing truth before 

R.Gimbel  Seattle, Washington     April 19th 2008
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