So now it's not just BuzzFlash bringing up in February this contemptible right wing attack style tactic by the Clinton campaign.

Senator Clinton's campaign appears to think that only it can beat the right wing attack machine by employing their reprehensible tactics against a fellow Democrat. In fact, in the case of the Ayers slander on Obama, the Clinton campaign has basically been feeding the right wing the story with a pink ribbon wrapped around it.

I don't recall a note from an ardent supporter of Clinton deploring the Senator's tactics. There is some emotional blind attachment to the idea that a woman in the White House would change things, even if she is behaving in this campaing more like Karl Rove than Eleanor Roosevelt. If Karl Rove were Karla Rove would that make his methods suddenly "feminist" and worthy of support by the "Clinton sisterhood"?

Glory be, we hope not.

The bottom line is that Clinton's right wing smear campaign tactics have forced many supporters of the positive nurturing, embracing qualities of Feminism down into the gutter with a flawed candidate, whose gender is secondary to his thirst for power.

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