
I think that that quiz you linked to below is a pretty weak attempt to
prove something -- anything -- about Obama.  It was as bogus as bogus
can be, and any high school senior could have constructed it or have
done the same thing to skew Hillary with quotes from Hillary's mouth
and mouthpieces of hers.

I'm not going to start a fight with you about the quiz's truthiness,
but I gotta ask you if the ABC debate was -- TO YOU -- what all the
critics are calling it -- basically a rotten smear job.

To me, ABC was raping the awareness of America by focusing America's
attention on anything but the major national and international issues
-- and that's taking the public trust and using it immorally.  And for
Hillary to just "allow it without stridently countering it during the
debate or after" is a tell about how low a tactic she's comfortable with.

And, get this, the quotes that are in the quiz are all truths and 
being stated as far as I can tell.  The Clintons are renown pols --
classic infighters -- and, if anything, Obama's statements are "lite"
compared the can of worms he could easily open and toss at her --
starting with money, continuing with money and ending with money and
toss on a cherry on that sundae: 600 pardons of major criminals in the
very last hour of Bill's presidency.

I'd rather have Kusinich, but Obama looks and feels so much more
authentic than "let's take a poll so I can know what my opinion is
supposed to be" Hillary.  By naysaying Hillary I am in no way
supporting any of Obama's tactics -- I'm sure he's cut corners too --
but it seems to be a far far milder form of such sinning.

The degree to which you're showing emotion in these Hillary-threads
seems to be a strong indication that something else is operational,
and I haven't a clue, but your knee-jerked posts often present as if
"hate" for Obama that I don't see in your posts about McCain or Rove
or anyone of many dozens of others who deserve it far more.  So I'm
wondering if you're a racist cuz that's how you're "coming off."

Now, you're sure not going to cop to being a racist, so perhaps you
could at least tell me just how deep these emotions are and why, of
all the targets available to you, you're solely snarking at Obama in
such a way, that despite your assurances that you'd vote for him if
push comes to shove, bottomlines into character assassination pure and

Obama's got more charisma in his little pinky than the entire Kennedy
clan -- if he's not a legitimate personality, then not just me but
almost everyone has been "fooled," and HEY, that just might come in
handy when he's dealing with the world's leaders and bad guys.  

Hillary's got Bill as her legacy and precious little differentiates
their values -- and to the world -- she's a war monger, a money
grabber, a powerplayer and as manipulative as a Vegas stage hypnotist.

Maybe it's a feminist issue for you -- is it "time for a woman in
power" and that's all you're going for?  If so, though women have been
subjected to every sort of vile crap, and though the African Americans
have only been enslaved for 400 years, still, that just doesn't make
it a "women's turn" to rule.  I honestly believe that if a woman were
as inspiring as Obama, I'd be whooping it up for her, but Hillary just
isn't THE woman to stand up for women -- there's so many better women
in the world -- or at least, women who have not yet sinned as Hillary
has.  And where is Hillary's heart?  I just keep not seeing it, and
I've looked hard.  That tear she shed was the first inkling I ever had
that she was capable of tender feelings.  

To me Obama transcends race and gender, and Hillary is an "old school,
say anything to get elected" marauder of the public weal....and the
fact that most politicians are like her or worse doesn't get her off
the hook.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge <no_reply@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Actually I was being totally sarcastic and agree with you 
> > completely, the whining from Obama's camp is pathetic and whenever 
> > he cries victim, it continue to expose him as simply an ordinary.
> It exposes him as a hypocrite as well.
> Take the quiz:
> http://www.hillaryclinton.com/feature/quiz/?sc=8
> His campaign has been attacking Hillary viciously
> and repeatedly since September--and *from the right*,
> using primarily right-wing anti-Hillary talking
> points.
> His speech to a rally the day after the debate
> revealed him to be a nasty, petty, vindictive
> individual, anything but the above-it-all saint
> he pretends to be.

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