TurquoiseB wrote:
> It's just like real estate -- location, location
> location. Looking up facts on the Agadir quake
> yesterday so that no one would nitpick my ass 
> off if I got the Richter level wrong :-), I 
> discovered that the thing that made it so devas-
> tating was that it was a "shallow quake," mean-
> ing that it occurred close to the surface, as
> opposed to a fault shift deep below the ground.
> Also, it all depends on the nature of the earth
> that the waves have to travel through. In Cali-
> fornia and Japan and other countries along the
> "ring of fire," where quakes are frequent, the
> structure of the earth itself has become frac-
> tured by all the small quakes, with the result
> that the waves of a big quake don't travel as
> far as they would in an area with fewer quakes.
True, there have been some deep quakes on coast lately that didn't do 
much of anything.   Also the coastline of India is very seismic.  So I 
had some concern staying at a high rise hotel on the "Bhadra 
Reclamation" in Bombay  (shades of the Marine District in SF).
>> I was sitting watching a DVD 
>> and this big bang like a train going through my living 
>> room occured and I dropped to the floor for safety. I 
>> experience lots of 1's all the time around here and 
>> they're never listed but they will shake a little.   
>> Nothing like the fun of living in a seismic area.
> It teaches one non-attachment. Heck, it can
> teach your whole *house* non-attachment.  :-)
BTW, dropping to the floor in my case is what you want to do rather than 
run for a doorway.  If the roof fell it the chair and other furniture 
would have held it up creating a survival space.  This was a tip from an 
earthquake rescuer.  Doubtful though this roof would fall in because the 
construction is too good but a really big one who knows.

When I installed the TV mount recently at my sister's house my 
brother-in-law wanted to know what would happen if it fell off during an 
earthquake and given the way it was strongly anchored to the stud I 
replied "look for a new house." :)

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