Monday, Apr. 21, 2008 By SCOTT
                        Iranians gather at a newsstand on the
                streets of Hamadan, Iran. 
                Bobby Model / National Geographic /

        From President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's office and the sitting rooms       
of high-ranking mullahs to university campuses and the  Farsi-language 
blogosphere, Iranians are following the American presidential race more avidly 
than ever before. That's partly   because they're eager for the exit of 
President Bush, who branded       Iran part of an "Axis of Evil" and implicitly 
raised the        possibility of a military strike against the country over its 
  alleged nuclear weapons program. But the Iranians' interest is also     
driven by a sense among many Iranians that the candidacy of Barack      Obama 
offers real hope for repairing the U.S.-Iranian relationship.     Commenting on 
the Iranian preference for a Democrat in the White        House, Sergei 
Barseghian, a columnist for the reformist Etemad
        Meli newspaper noted that in Farsi, the words Oo ba ma  would translate 
as "He's with us."      

Senator Obama would be the first to disagree with that, of
        course, but the sympathy his candidacy has aroused among many
        Iranians stems from a variety of factors, including his African
        heritage, his partly Muslim family ties, and a belief that Obama
        would move to end Washington's 30-year Cold War with Tehran — or
        at least reduce the prospect of a U.S. military attack on the
        Islamic Republic. "I think people want him to win,"
        Shi'ite cleric Mehdi Karroubi, the reformist former parliament
        speaker defeated by Ahmadinejad in Iran's 2005 presidential contest,
        told TIME.
                But Obama isn't the only candidate drawing careful scrutiny in
        Tehran. Some Iranians are also intrigued by John McCain, pointing
        out that Henry Kissinger, a "realist" McCain adviser,
        recently called for "direct negotiations" between the U.S.
        and Iran. Nonetheless, many consider McCain a hawk and fear his
        experiences as an American POW in the Vietnam War may hardwire him
        for hostility towards revolutionary governments. All Iranians seem
        aware of McCain's "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" Beach
        Boys imitation, and many take it as an indication of his
        inclinations. Yet many anti-regime Iranians are praying — albeit
        quietly — for a McCain victory. Some Iranians believe that
        Ahmadinejad also favors McCain, in the belief that continued
        confrontation with the U.S. — as long as it stops short of all-out
        war — will enable Iranian hard-liners to rally popular backing
        against reformists who seek to improve ties with the West. 
        Iranians are divided on Hillary Clinton, largely basing their
        views on the record in the Middle East of her husband, who Iranians
        expect would effectively be her senior foreign policy adviser.
        Mohammed Atrianfar, an adviser to former President Akbar Hashemi
        Rafsanjani, argues that Bill Clinton has a "peace-seeking
        image" among Iranians. Then-Secretary of State Madeleine
        Albright, now a Hillary adviser, publicly accepted American
        responsibility for involvement in the 1953 coup in Iran and
        subsequent support for the repressive regime of the Shah. Iranian
        diplomats complain, however, that Clinton also imposed economic
        sanctions on Iran. 
        It's not only the policy expectations that account for Obama's
        popularity: his Third World ethnic background and the Muslim faith
        of his father's Kenyan family — even his middle name, Hussein, the
        grandson of the Prophet Muhammad and a revered figure in the Shi'ite
        Islam practiced in Iran — offer points of affinity that some
        analysts believe could give Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali
        Khamenei, the political cover to make a gesture of reconciliation to
        the country long decried in Tehran as "the Great Satan." 
        But it's Obama's declared willingness to engage in "aggressive
        personal diplomacy" with the Iranian leadership that has
        generated the most interest among senior officials in Tehran, since
        this would mark a sea-change in Washington's approach. "Obama
        is a man of engagement, a man of negotiations," one Iranian
        official told TIME. Amir Mohebbian, an analyst close to Iranian
        conservative politicians, argues that "the mentality of Iranian
        decision makers is ready for that." He adds: "I think that
        the coming of Obama — maybe, maybe — helps to solve this
        problem, but it needs bravery, from both sides." 
        There are doubts, however. Many Iranians feel that the American
        political establishment would put the brakes on any rapprochement
        until Iran ended its hostility toward Israel. There's also concern
        in Iran that Obama's inexperience in foreign affairs may prompt him
        as President to actually take a harder line on Iran rather than risk
        appearing to be a weak leader. 
        And precisely because of the attributes they find most positive
        in Obama, many Iranian leaders believe he's unlikely to be elected.
        Iran's Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashaee, whose daughter
        married President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's son last week, told TIME
        that Obama "seems not a bad person" and said that, if he
        were an American voter, he might even cast a ballot for the Illinois
        Senator. But Mashaee thinks Iran will more likely be facing McCain
        or Clinton in the White House. "It's far-fetched that he will
        be allowed to become President," Mashaee insisted. Pressed to
        elaborate, Ahmadinejad's deputy declined to specify whether it was
        because of Obama's race or other factors. He just laughed and
        exclaimed, "Let's make a bet on it!"

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