
When you think about it, one has to ask, "Why do I merely focus on the

Ask any white person what super-rich white folks did to "their"
America and how they are feeling not a little downtrodden themselves.  

70% of the whites will tell you that 

--BigOil is controlling the cost of gas, 

--that torturing doesn't "set right," 

--that Walmart sells slave-made products,

--that habeas corpus is an essential right,

--that privacy is a powerful shield against BigBrotherism,

--that the rich have lobbiests who pay-off politicians to create every
manner of legal loop hole that only their corporations can exploit, 

--that the cops can be brutal and have political/racist/religious
agendas and be assured they'll avoid being convicted even when they
shoot unarmed law abiding citizens on their doorsteps, 

--that privatization is BigMoney's grab for direct power that once was
only held by the government and make a profit from it to boot,

--that school teachers are not allowed to teach essential
psychological skills that would give children a running start when
they have to face the world's predators, 

--that corporations are heartless money making machines that will stop
at nothing including: ruining the environment, making war on whole
countries/cultures/religions, going global to escape US laws, and
packing every government agency with their "on sabbatical" executives,

Run the above list by any white person and then ask them if they're
finally beginning to understand racism.  

It's about money more than it is about hate.

I just filled up my gas tank for $45.00 -- compact car.  I not only
know that the powers that be have my nape in their jaws, I know
they'll chomp me for an extra fraction of a penny.

The real issue is elitism's immoral hold on power....over all of us.

How else to explain things like, letting 10,000,000 poor people from
Mexico flood into America to sap the middle class's political clout
and discretionary income, or the Katrina response, or politicians
turning blind eyes to every manner of abuse like Rwanda and Israeli nukes.

Any second now, we're going to get some troubadour that sings songs
like Woody Guthrie -- but instead of verses about railroad dicks
bludgeoning hobos, we'll have tales of Blackwater rapists, internment
camps, and five pound blocks of "intestinal blocking" government cheese.

70% of all whites now have more in common with black Americans than
ever in the history of America.

Millions of whites are being evicted from homes, losing their jobs,
finding a dollar won't buy anything, and that ordinary living expenses
now take all the money they earn.

Ya see?  The corporations want all the money and they just now got
around to taking it from most of the whites too.  

What is that tumultuous sound?

Why it's the Mormoney Tabernacle Helltheyscrewedus Chorus.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Why is God, a White Caucusoid asshole.??
>         Why is the Devil, a Black skinned, horned arrow-tailed Rascal.??
>         Why is Superman White.??
>         Why is Wonder-woman White.??
>         Why is Cassius Clay Black.??
>         Because he is the GREATEST GREATEST GREATEST..!!!
> Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Date: Sat, 03 May 2008 16:07:54 -0000
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why do Duveyoung and Angela like using
the n-word so much?
>   Vaj,
> I don't know how you got to thinking I'm okay with Afrocentrism being
> taught. It's a bunch of shit, but I just know that most dogmas are
> filled with errors, and that it is a merely matter of degree when
> comparing Afrocentrism with the dogma of Modern Science. Science is
> replete with beliefs that go unexamined and are as unfounded as even
> the worst Afrocentric delusions.
> Einstein wrote his famous letter to FDR about making the first atomic
> bomb. What religious belief did Einstein consider before he wrote
> that letter? When Fritz Haber invented a method for mass producing
> poisonous gas that had no use except for warfare -- what religious
> implications can be surmised from that act? Whatever it was that these
> two big brains said to themselves, how different is that from an
> Afrocentric persons saying they're psychic because their skin is
> black? Einstein said, "Build the bomb, because I know the full
> measure of its impact." How's that for delusion?
> Einstein believed he'd be doing the world a solid by creating that
> bomb. Oppenheimer said, "In some sort of crude sense which no
> vulgarity, no humor, no overstatement can quite extinguish, the
> physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot
> lose."
> To me, it's a hard question to approach when asked, "For the good of
> all, for the betterment of the world, what would be worse, ten million
> more Afrocentrists in the world or another Einstein or Oppenheimer? "
> It is one thing to peddle nonsense, it is quite another to open up
> Pandora's box. If one is going to chide an Afrocentrist, be sure to
> chide others who are far more dangerously deluded about their
> abilities to "handle the truth." I'd say, spend your time debunking
> scientific elitism before smacking a bunch of bell-curve-losers for
> goofy notions.
> Edg
> ---------------------------------
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