yifuxero wrote:
> ---More Neo-Advaitin Wayne Liquorman crap.
Exactly, which parts of my message are 
'neo-adwaita Wayne Liguorman crap' and 
which parts are from Gaudapadacharya?
"Ajativada or the doctrine of no-origination, 
is the fundamental doctrine of Gaudapaada. 
>From the absolute standpoint origination 
is an impossibility. The various theories 
of creation - that it is the expansion of 
God or it is the will of God or it is for 
God's enjoyment or it is an illusion like 
a dream or it proceeds from time - are all 
rejected by Gaudapaada."


> > There's just one little error in this 
> > statement. You are ALREADY enlightened. 
> > 
> > All you have to do is dispell the illusion 
> > that there is birth and death - there is 
> > no coming to be; no dissolution; no 
> > moving about; no change; no staying the 
> > same.
> > 
> > According to Brahmananda Saraswati, there 
> > is nothing but Light; no other illumination 
> > is needed. So, you can meditate or do asanas; 
> > you can read and you can run and jump. But 
> > really none of these activities can dispell 
> > the illusion. 
> > 
> > In order to dispell the illusion all you 
> > need to do is realize that you are not going 
> > to get any more enlightenment than you are 
> > going to get. When you realize that, you can 
> > stop all your striving. Just work out your 
> > remaining karma with dilligence.
> > 
> > 'Dispelling Illusion'
> > Gaudapada's Alatasanti
> > Douglas A. Fox
> > State University of New York Press, 1993
> >

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