UFO sightings
England – Witnesses in the towns of Luton and Houghton Regis, north 
of London, reported seeing an unusual red light hovering in the sky 
on the night of 27 February 2008. Luton resident Dave Fullbrook saw 
the light above the Luton and Dunstable Hospital at about 9pm. "I've 
never seen anything like it in my life," he said. "What it was I've 
got no idea. I've looked over there for the last few nights but I 
haven't seen it since then."
After local newspaper Bedford Today reported the sightings, the 
publication received numerous reports from the public of similar 
experiences. Nemide Ibrahim, a resident of the nearby town of Eaton 
Bray, said she and her partner saw two lights in the sky on the 
evening of 8 March 2008. "As we were driving out of Eaton Bray we 
noticed some very strange bright red lights hovering very low in the 
sky. There were distinctively two red lights together. One was a 
constant red light, while the other directly next to it flashed 
continuously red." She added that "it definitely did not have any 
distinctive markings, sounds, shape or any recognizable features that 
you would expect to see on any known aircraft". The lights 
disappeared and then reappeared before heading south. (Source: 
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms this to be an authentic sighting of 
a spacecraft from Mars.)

USA: Texas – A man in Corpus Christi saw a glowing white UFO for 
about 15 minutes on the night of 22 March 2008, and filmed it with 
his cell phone. According to the eyewitness: "It got to the point 
that it was close enough that one of my chihuahuas saw it and he was 
trying to take care of me and started to bark. When he started to 
bark that's when the light started to do that weird movement." The 
witness anonymously sent the footage to KIII-TV, a local television 
station, who broadcast it. According to Katia Uriarte, the reporter 
who broadcast the story: "The image looked like a white, glowing spot 
moving around." After comparing it to a film of a recent UFO sighting 
in Stephenville, Texas, Uriarte said: "There are some similarities. 
Both objects move back and forth and from side to side in the same 
After the broadcast, the television station received numerous calls 
and emails from other local witnesses, one of whom described the UFO 
as "a real bright circle of light." (Source: KIII-TV, USA) 
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that this was an authentic sighting 
of a spacecraft from Mars.)
Florida – Numerous residents of Wesley Chapel, a small town near 
Tampa, reported seeing a UFO in the early morning of 14 March 2008. 
Witnesses described a rotating triangle of three white-blue lights 
with a flashing red light that was stationary. Luis Jiminez, a local 
resident, filmed the UFO. "I don't know what it was" he said, "but 
they were really, really bright lights. There were three blue lights 
at first, and they seemed to be going clockwise. Then there came the 
red flashing light, and at some point, the lights started going 
counter-clockwise." He filmed the UFO for about 15 minutes before it 
moved away at high speed. (Source: myfoxtampabay.com; 
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms this as an authentic sighting of a 
spacecraft from Mars.)


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