On May 14, 2008, at 8:13 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Scathing, but funny because it's pretty much
what most Americans would actually expect her
to say if someone gave her a shot of sodium
pentothal ("truth serum") and put her in front
of a TV camera:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/05/11/saturday-night-lives- mess_n_101177.html



Here's an excellent answer in response to the skit and why Hillary
isn't winning, a sobering, dead-on answer, so to speak:

"Sexism had nothing to do with it; polishing some perceived glass ceiling had nothing to do with it; falling in wild partisan love with an upstart, virtual unknown from Chicago had nothing to do with it; nor did lampooned rumors of sniper fire or campaign mismanagement or last-ditch demagoguery or anything else so commonly floated. It was, rather, since Iowa -- which was the first and in many respects the final game-changer -- fundamentally about a progressive revulsion against any politician so callous as to trade human lives for mere political advantage. For Hillary, her Corleonelike prowar vote was nothing personal; it was just business. Fine. But in turn, for the vast majority of those who opposed her then and oppose her now, the same can be said: this was, and is, nothing personal toward Hillary. It's just the proper business of progressive politics."



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