--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" 
> by Jackson Williams, HuffPost 5.24.08
> http://tinyurl.com/4v2zp8

Yes, excellent. Money quote:

"We're Democrats. Nominating fights define us. It's how and why
we're progressive. We air it out. It is condescending to think
that Clinton, who would be the first woman to head a major party
presidential ticket in U.S. history, should have already stepped 
aside in deference to the third-year junior senator from Illinois.

"The point, however, isn't about blatant sexism (or her
stubbornness), it's that the nominee isn't the nominee until they 
officially cross the finish line, and any maneuvers by opponents 
prior to that are not dirty pool, they're the system as the
political parties designed it and redesign it every four years.
It's a fine and meaningful enterprise, even if we sometimes build
it wrong."

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