--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: 
> To Claim Popular Vote, Clinton Is Seeking Wins in Last 3 Primaries
> By Anne E. Kornblut and Dan Balz
> Washington Post Staff Writers
> Sunday, May 25, 2008; A08
> Clinton also appears to have hurt her case by comparing the cause of
> seating the delegations [Florida and Michigan] with the abolition of
> slavery and the disputed election in Zimbabwe . . . . Knowledgeable
> Democrats said those comments have played poorly with the very people
> she needs most right now, superdelegates and members of the rules
> committee.
This winning the popular vote claim is bogus.  The way the clintons
get there is by counting hillary's vote in michigan but not giving
obama any votes there, which is absurd, plus they don't count the
caucus states.  Hillary's all for counting all the votes, well I spent
a lot of time participating in the iowa caucus, why does my vote not
count?  Same for all the other caucus states.  If you actually count
all the votes obama wins easily.

Plus, this is a primary election, the popular vote doesn't matter -
it's about delegates.  No-one's ever thought about counting the
popular vote in a primary election before.

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