Once again Judy, either your judgement or honesty 
is quite lacking. 

"*astonishingly* ungracious" ? 

Yes, Hillary certainly is.



In Defeat, Clinton Graciously Pretends to Win
By Dana Milbank
Wednesday, June 4, 2008; A03

NEW YORK "What does Hillary want?"

Hillary Clinton put the question to her supporters here Tuesday night, moments 
after her 
opponent, Barack Obama, clinched the Democratic presidential nomination.

What Hillary did not want to do was to concede defeat. "I want the nearly 18 
Americans who voted for me to be respected, to be heard," she told her fans, 
answered with cheers of "Denver! Denver!" and "Yes she will!"

The campaign was over, and Obama had locked up the nomination after a flood of 
than 40 superdelegates announced their support for him throughout the day. But 
in the 
Baruch College gymnasium here (the "Bearcat Den"), Clinton spoke as if she were 

She and her husband and daughter took the stage, smiling, clapping and bopping 
to the 
beat. She said nothing about losing the nomination, instead thanking South 
Dakota for 
giving her a victory in Tuesday's balloting: "You had the last word in this 
primary season!" 
This, she said, confirmed that she had won "more votes than any primary 
candidate in 

Clinton congratulated Obama -- not for winning the nomination, but for running 
"extraordinary race." She recognized Obama and his supporters "for all they 

It was an extraordinary performance by a woman who had been counted out of the 
even when she still had a legitimate chance. Now she had been mathematically 
-- and she spoke as if she had won.

Though some might think her remarks self-delusional, Clinton wasn't kidding 
earlier in the day, Clinton had told lawmakers privately that the race was over 
and she 
would consider being Obama's vice president. Her public defiance reflected a 
shift in the 
balance of power that came with Obama's victory. Now that he had won the race, 
would need to woo Clinton if he wanted to prevail in November.

"Obama has work to do," the outspoken Clinton adviser Lanny Davis told 
reporters in the 
hallway outside the gymnasium here. "Senator Clinton can't do it for him."

Obama's aides had done their best throughout the day to build excitement for 
clinching of the nomination. "Obama needs 41 delegates to secure the Democratic 
nomination," Obama spokesman Dan Pfeiffer announced in an e-mail he sent out at 

It was the beginning of a day-long water torture for Clinton, as Obama aimed, 
by day's 
end, to reach the 2,118 delegates needed to clinch the nomination.

For Obama, however, it wasn't a pretty way to clinch. He had won only six of 
the last 14 
contests, and Tuesday night he lost South Dakota, too, where he had been 
favored. Now that the party had partially accepted results from the Florida and 
primaries, Clinton could claim with some justification that she had received 
more votes 
than Obama.

And so the limping nominee needed to be carried across the finish line by the 
superdelegates whose support Pfeiffer announced throughout the day: a Michigan 
congresswoman, a Massachusetts superdelegate, one from Mississippi, two from 
Michigan, one from the District of Columbia, two from California, one from 
Florida, three 
from Delaware. "Twelve delegates from the nomination," Pfeiffer announced. Then 
then 10.

The rush of the opportunistic superdelegates toward the inevitable nominee only 
worsened what was certain to be an unhappy day for the Clintons, who had 
arrived at 
their Westchester home at about 3 a.m. after an awkward last day of campaigning 
South Dakota. Bill Clinton had flown into a rage and called a reporter a 
"scumbag." At her 
last event in South Dakota, Hillary had lost her voice in a coughing fit. 
Somebody had 
seen fit to play an inappropriate John Fogerty tune before she took the stage: 
"It ain't me, 
it ain't me. I ain't no fortunate one."

On Tuesday evening, the crowd began to assemble at Baruch College in Manhattan 
Clinton's non-concession speech. The scene was made to look festive: The 
campaign ordered 70 boxes of Domino's pizza for the press corps, and set up a 
cash bar 
for its fundraisers, or "honored guests." The honored guests were not in a 
partying mood, 
however. One older woman pointed at a reporter accusingly and said: "He is the 
one who 
destroyed our heroine!"

A crew from "The Daily Show" joined the party, and, hoping to keep Clinton in 
the race, 
struck up a cheer of "Four more months!"

Such an outlandish thing seemed almost plausible among the Clinton backers in 
hermetically sealed Baruch gym. Below ground level, there was no cellphone or 
reception, and there was no television playing in the room. That meant that 
they could 
not see the network projections showing that, while Clinton had won South 
Obama had won enough delegates to clinch the nomination. Instead, they listened 
to Tom 
Petty's "Won't Back Down."

Just before Obama officially clinched, the Clinton campaign issued a press 
release as if it 
were still in the middle of a nominating battle. "Wyoming Automatic Delegate 
Hillary," the e-mail said. It didn't include the name of the brave 

Terry McAuliffe, the campaign chairman, took the stage and read the full list 
of Clinton's 
victories, from American Samoa to Massachusetts. Introducing Clinton, he asked: 
"Are you 
ready for the next president of the United States?"

This brought laughter from the reporters in the back of the room, but Clinton 
the crowd to boo the "pundits and naysayers" who would have run her from the 
race. "I 
am so proud we stayed the course together," she told her backers, who 
interjected cries 
of "We believe in you!" and "Yes, we will!"

Only obliquely did Clinton refer to the fact that she had, in fact, lost the 
nomination. "The 
question is: Where do we go from here?" she said. She would figure that out "in 
coming days," she said, but "I will be making no decisions tonight." The crowd 
in the 
Bearcat Den erupted in a sustained cheer. She referred her supporters to her 
Web site, as 
she had after many a primary night victory.

For a candidate who had just lost the nomination, she seemed very much in 

That must be what Hillary wants.

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