--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To lose, and to lose so closely after having poured all her 
> attention and all her energy into this campaign that came as the 
> culmination of an entire life's ambition and well-intentioned work 
> must be an extraordinary blow to absorb.  And I feel that Senator 
> Clinton truly understood that she embodied and carried the hopes and 
> ambitions in this campaign for millions of people who felt *she* was 
> the one to be president; to relinquish that collective ambition must 
> be unimaginably difficult; it's certainly not anything I can imagine.
> There was a comment following a blog on the HuffingtonPost that I 
> particularly appreciated and I've copied it below.  The blog 
> preceding it was more than a little derisive of Clinton and chided 
> her for making Obama's presumptive victory still "all about her".  
> The comment was posted by an ardent Clinton supporter and I was 
> impressed with the graciousness and magnanimity and insight it 
> provided.  
> **
> "As I've said earlier, in her pre-concession speech last night 
> Hillary was preparing her supporters for the transition from 
> activism on her campaign's behalf to refocusing on the ultimate 
> goal - taking back the White House. In the fervor surrounding this 
> very long campaign, most of us lost sight of what values truly make 
> ours the big tent party. It's not atypical to any campaign season, 
> but both the length and strength of conviction of supporters for 
> both candidates personalized politics in a way which has long been 
> absent from our party.
> I, for one, am greatly encouraged by this historic opportunity to 
> redress the many issues which seemed to stagnate in the 1970's.
> More importantly, as a Hillary supporter, I've already made my 
> concession. I would ask that those decrying Hillary's speech last 
> night as another betrayal to please try and look at it from our 
> perspective. Millions of us poured our entire beings into her 
> campaign, not out of some ill-will towards fellow progressives, but 
> because we truly believed in her candidacy. In delaying concession 
> until the weekend, Hillary has given her supporters time to absorb 
> their disappointment and regain perspective. You might not 
> understand how deeply we were committed to seeing Hillary in the 
> White House, but these passions cannot be converted to support for 
> Obama overnight. With a little time, our side will come around to 
> see that Obama is not only our candidate, he's also our future, and 
> what a good thing that is!"

That's a good explanation. I was beginning to wonder... wtf?


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