Yea,  but look at it this way.  This is a prediction before,  BEFORE, 
the actual event.  Yea,  I for one,  (if I remember),  will be waiting
to see is something happens.   But at lease we have it on record.  Hey,
the odds are probably a lot bettter that something will happen than Big
Brown was going to come in last at the Belmont.

--- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In, "dhamiltony2k5"
> dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
> >
> > Ammachi speaking to a large group tonight in California urges people
> > meditate to mitigate the effect of the unfortunate alignment of mars
> > and venus tomorrow evening.
> Uga buggha.
> I was going to swing a dead cat in a bag around my head 7 times in a
> graveyard at midnight. That should help mitigate the magically bad
> effect of the alignment of random planets.
> Or maybe I will say a prayer to Mary of Lourdes because my uncle once
> had this thing on his balls and when he dipped them in the holy water,
> it went away. (after the surgery)
> Don't people have actual shit in their lives that grip their attention
> beyond the alignment of planets? How bored must you be for this to be
> the biggest area of your life to focus on?
> "Unfortunate alignment of mars and venus" has got to be the quote of
> the week.
> Sorry for the complete dickish response Doug, but I really think this
> is so deep into WTF? central that I couldn't resist. I hope your
> meditation helps the awful effect of planets on your day...there I go
> again..
> >
> > Jai Guru Dev, -Doug in FF
> >

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