> > > "Maybe I'm just confused, but isn't the ME supposed to bring 
> > > *good* things?"
> >
> > It's the wahing machine effect...without the soap.
> Think of it as "meditation for the masses" by remote.

Yeah, that's the ticket. That'll enable you to
believe that you and other butt-bouncers are SO
powerful that you're influencing the weather.

I prefer to think of it as the random workings
of a random universe, and the equally random
attempts by insecure human beings to place them-
selves at the "center of the action," as if it
all revolved around them.

My bet is that if you spent a little time read-
ing Christian blogs from the Midwest, you'd find
them (or their idea of "God") taking credit for
the same "cleansing floods." Same thing for the
fundie Islamic blogs. They ALL want to believe
that 1) *they* know what's "really" happening,
and 2) that it won't happen to *them* because
they are <insert name of fundamentalist belief
system or organization here>.

To me, all of these claims are just different
"flavors" of the same stupidity.

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