>From Coal to Fuel   
By Vasko Kohlmayer
FrontPageMagazine.com | Wednesday, June 18, 2008 

Apart from engendering economic turmoil and worries of many kinds, 
the skyrocketing price of oil has also done something momentously 
beneficial: It has created conditions for America's oil independence 
by making it economical to extract fuels from coal, our most abundant 
energy resource.

A sedimentary rock, coal is primarily made up of carbon. Carbon most 
commonly occurs in stable compounds but when combined with hydrogen 
it forms volatile substances known as hydrocarbons. Of those, crude 
oil is the most useful, because when refined it yields flammable 
fluids such as diesel and gasoline which are used in combustion 

As demand for oil began to rise early in the 20th century, scientists 
became intrigued with the possibility of converting carbon-rich coal 
into hydrocarbon liquids as a potential replacement for petroleum-
derived fuels. Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch, two German scientists, 
accomplished the feat in the 1920s. Named after its inventors, the 
Fischer-Tropsch method is a multistage process during which coal is 
transformed – through gasification and liquefaction – into synthetic 
diesel and jet grade kerosene.

The method's practical viability was first seriously tested in the 
1940s. Lacking adequate access to oilfields during World War II, 
Germany built twenty-five coal-to-liquid plants to boost its fuel 
supplies. The enterprise proved a success and by 1944 the plants were 
discharging 144,000 barrels of synthetic fuels a day, enough to cover 
half of the country's wartime needs.

Some two decades later, South Africa began using the same technology 
to soften the hardships of its Apartheid isolation. It proved so 
successful that the program was continued even after the embargo was 
no longer an issue. Today almost all diesel engines on South Africa's 
roads are powered by synthetic coal fuel.

But even after Germany and South Africa demonstrated its efficiency 
and reliability, the coal-to-fuel technology failed to find wider 
use. The reason was cost.

Historically the cost of producing a gallon of synthetic fuel has 
been higher than what it could fetch on the market. Conversion only 
becomes profitable when crude passes $55 a barrel, because at that 
price diesel and kerosene begin to sell for more than what it costs 
to obtain them from coal.

Since until quite recently the price of oil was below that mark, coal-
to-fuel conversion was not commercially viable. This is the reason 
why it was only done in countries that – for one reason or another – 
lacked adequate access to petroleum-based products.

The roof-shattering march of crude, however, has changed this 
situation. At today's prices, conversion would be not only 
economically practical, but also decidedly profitable. The 
combination of current market conditions and long-term outlook thus 
creates a powerful incentive for the private sector to channel money, 
capital and entrepreneurial energy into the coal liquefaction 

This should be great news for the United States which with nearly 270 
billion tons of recoverable coal leads the world in reserves. To put 
it in perspective, U.S. coal deposits contain more energy than that 
of all the planet's oil reserves put together. So vast is their 
potential that at a standard conversion rate of two barrels of 
liquids per one metric ton of coal, America's fuel needs would be 
taken care of for well over a century.

This in effect means that as long as the price of crude oil remains 
above $55 a barrel – and there is every reason to believe it will – 
America can enjoy fuel self-sufficiency for as long as the eye can 

It is important to grasp the full import of this: Unlike all the 
other ideas and proposals for achieving oil independence, coal 
conversion represents no false hope or wishful thinking but an 
eminently feasible and realistic possibility.

No new inventions, no technological breakthroughs, no extensive 
infrastructure modifications, no lengthy testing, no public 
investment or government incentives are required to make it happen. 
Everything is already in place to bring it about:

America possesses abundant supplies of coal
Proven technology exists to convert coal into fuel
Market conditions make conversion commercially practical
While the first two conditions have been true for a long time, the 
third did not come into play until last year. With the rise in price, 
however, all the necessary prerequisites for America's fuel self-
sufficiency have been met. All that needs to be done is to remove any 
artificially imposed impediments that may stand in the way. Most of 
them are in the form of environmental rules and regulations which 
make energy production such a difficult and problematic enterprise in 
this country.

As far as the environment is concerned, coal conversion and its 
derivatives are cleaner than their crude oil counterparts. There is 
technology to capture the CO2 released during the liquefaction 
process and the resulting diesel and kerosene have lower sulfur 
content than those refined in the conventional way. As a result, 
during the combustion process they release fewer particulates and 
less nitrogen oxide then their petroleum cousins. Such, in fact, is 
their purity that they are often referred to as ultra-clean fuels. 
This should go a long way toward assuaging environmental concerns.

The rising energy prices have made it possible for America to 
commercially utilize its enormous coal reserves and to become fuel 
independent in the process. The only thing required at this point is 
for government not to interfere with market forces which inexorably 
incline toward this outcome.

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