Much is written here to contradict the claims made about TM and 
TMSP, and granted the marketing done by the TMO is often over the 

However, whenever there is a new or reinvented technology introduced 
into the world, all of the proponents of the many representations of 
the technology will insist that their version is the best, the 
easiest, the most efficient. 

Although an imperfect analogy to meditation because of the need for 
external fuel, look at cars, with initial models running on steam, 
electricity, diesel and gasoline. A few years into this technology 
emerging, all looked like they had an equal shot. Then as time 
passed gasoline cars emerged as the clear winner in terms of power 
efficiency- literally the greatest bang for the buck.

50 or so years after it was brought out, much is written here and 
elsewhere about how TM cannot possibly live up to its promise about 
quickly bringing enlightenment to us all, with all of its resulting 
personal, social, economic, and political benefits. 

But 50 years is a very brief time-- not really enough to see the 
wide ranging benefits of a technology. The telephone for example was 
invented during the late 19th century and had only progressed to 
wired, rotary phones after 50 years, using electromechanical 
switches. Computers with Charles Babbage's computing engine arguably 
being the first, were even further behind after 50 years, compared 
to their uses and benefits today. 

So, many decry TM and TMSP, saying it cannot possibly fulfill its 
promise, and that it cannot possibly be the most effective 
meditation technology in the history of the world. That there are 
many other meditation technologies and each must be compared and 
contrasted and measured to this relative newcomer.

But what if it is the most efficient, the easiest to practice, 
provides the greatest benefits after the shortest amount of time? 
What if after more years pass, after all the measurements have been 
made, and a global concensus reached, TM emerges beyond all the hype 
to be the supreme technology in its field? 

What if?

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