Hi, all.
I know I mentioned earlier than I wasn't going to send updates of my 
work to this group, but I thought that would be to your advantage.  
But then I found out some appreciated the updated, rather than having 
to join a separate Newsletter.  So I suppose I will continue.  Again, 
if you wish I not send any udates to this group, just send me an 
email and I will cease and desist. :)
I have designed a device in order to demonstrate a clear cut version 
of a unique coil configuration that levitates a magnet in a pinned 
fashion.  This has many implications indirectly for new energy / anti-
gravity.  I won't go into those now, but they really do.
They are now on sale at www.Nixwave.com for $25.99 / each for 
experimenters and enthusiasts within the continental U.S.
Feel free to check it out at your convenience.
Deepest regards,
Jeff Cook

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