Sent: 6/27/2008 3:55:30 A.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Supreme Court Upholds Second Amendment Right to  Bear Arms


Supreme Court Upholds  Second Amendment
Right to Bear Arms 
BELLEVUE, WA – With today's ruling on the case of  District of Columbia v. 
Heller, America has begun "its long march back  toward liberty under a Second 
Amendment that means what it says," the  Second Amendment Foundation said. 
"Today's ruling by the Supreme Court  should forever put to rest any 
contention that the right to keep and  bear arms is not a fundamental, 
civil right," said SAF  founder Alan M. Gottlieb. "For six decades, anti-gun 
rights extremists  have engaged in a monumental fraud that has been 
perpetuated by activist judges who erroneously insisted that the right  to 
keep and bear arms applies only to service in a militia. 
"Wisdom and truth have triumphed  over hysteria and falsehood," he continued. 
"This decision makes it  clear that a right 'of the people' is a right 
enjoyed by, and affirmed  for, all citizens. It destroys a cornerstone of 
rights elitism,  which has fostered – through years of deceit and political 
demagoguery –  the erosion of this important civil right.  
"This ruling also makes it  abundantly clear that laws which ban the 
possession of firearms, or make  it simply impossible through regulation for 
to exercise their  right to keep and bear arms, are unconstitutional and 
cannot stand,"  Gottlieb stated. "Today, America has taken a small but 
step  toward restoring the Second Amendment to its proper place in our Bill of 
"For too many years," he observed,  "Americans have seen this fundamental 
civil right under constant and  unrelenting attack. We are hopeful that today's 
decision will halt an  insidious campaign for citizen disarmament through 
legislation and  regulations that have made our neighborhoods less safe, our 
less  secure and our people less self-reliant, which is the trait that has  
made America unique among nations. 
"But this fight is hardly over,"  Gottlieb concluded. "Today's ruling is a 
stepping stone, the foundation  upon which we can rebuild this important 
individual right. Our work has  only just begun." 
Place your faith in the good-hearted  people of the world and support the SAF 
in standing up for the rights of  American citizens to bear arms! 
_SELECT  HERE to DONATE NOW. The rights you save may be your  own!_ 
(http://news.safalerts.org/c.asp?i/o/O6Oc4DkOBlllUnISNwzzwSCKIMD62EuHTaQ+6oLw) _
NOTE: Be sure to _Send  this Alert to EVERYONE_ 
you know who wants  to help 
keep the second amendment secure. Thank you!   

For more information about SAF go to _www.saf.org_ 
Sincerely For America,  
Second Amendment  Foundation
Send Checks To:
Second Amendment Foundation
James  Madison Building 
Dept Code  1674
12500 NE 10th  Place 
Bellevue, WA 98005  
Paid for by Second Amendment  Foundation 
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