--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> shempmcgurk wrote:
> > He's flip-flopped on SO MANY of his key stances and run so far to 
> > center since he has secured the nomination I'm wondering whether 
> > isn't the best candidate for conservatives.
> >
> > He has thrown SO MANY of you silly left-wing radicals under the 
> > along the way that I must admit that I snicker with glee.  
> >
> > Just keep blindly supporting him.
> Some think he is pulling an FDR who ran centrist during the 
election and 
> then more to the left when he took office. 

Oh, so what you're saying is that Obama is misrepresenting himself 
and that once ascended to the presidency will turn around and govern 
in a different way than how he said he would...

How does that make him better than Bush who many on this forum have 
constantly called a liar?

>  To win in this nation of 
> idiot sheep you kind of have to be centrist.  The more cynical of 
> know that he has been bought and paid for by the "King Makers" just 
> any other candidate regardless of the side of the aisle they are on.

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