nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mr. Creme's answer, from what I understand, is that the UNO must be 
> revitalized through abolishing that veto of the members of the 
> Security Council. The vetos effectively prevents the UNO to 
> intervene if actions interfere with the policy of one of it's 
> members. As is so evident in the case of the Israeli occupation of 
> Palestinian territory where the UNO can do nothing since this 
> illegal occupation is backed by the USA. The UNO is therefore 
> ineffective, as you say, because the americans effectively block any 
> attempt to stop the illegal activities by Israel.

Ok, that makes sense. I guess one of the great experiments was Solon 
of Athens.  If my recollection is correct, he was appointed the 
undisputed leader of Greece for a time to straighten things out.  And 
again if my recollection is correct (and because I just cut the grass, 
and don't feel like checking Wikepedia), it was succcessful.

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