Robert wrote:
> I would consult with commanders on the ground 
> and the Iraqi government to ensure that our 
> troops were redeployed safely, and our interests 
> protected.
"After all, Mr. Obama was among those in January 
2007 who stridently opposed the surge and confidently 
predicted its failure – even going so far as to vote 
against funding our soldiers in the field unless 
the Bush administration abandoned this new approach. 
It is now clear that Mr. Obama's judgment on the 
surge was spectacularly wrong.

Yet rather than admit his mistake, Mr. Obama has 
instead tried to downplay or disparage the gains 
our troops have achieved in the past 12 months, 
clinging to a set of talking points that increasingly 
seem as divorced from reality as some in the Bush 
administration were at the darkest moments of the 

Read more:

'When Will Obama Go To Iraq?'
Posted by John Hindraker:
Powerline, June 5, 2008

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