--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 

<jstein@> wrote:
[to Geeze:]
> > Look, I know you have to defend him because he's your
> > friend, but I've known him for almost 14 years now--
> > not as long as you have, and only via this medium--
> > but long enough to have a pretty clear idea of who he
> > is. I have never *once* seen him laugh at himself.
> > Maybe he does it in "real life" with people he's close
> > to and not threatened by, but he has a need to present
> > himself quite differently in this venue.
> He doesn't come over like that to me at all. I've
> seen humility in the guy on these pages many times.
> He's always the first to put his hand up when he makes
> a mistake, I'm sure if he was arrogant he wouldn't
> bother.

You've apparently missed a substantial number
of his "mistakes." I'd say the ratio of mistakes
made to mistakes acknowledged is about 50:1.

> > And enough others over the years have validated my
> > take on him, both in public and in private, for me to
> > know I'm not indulging in some purely personal fantasy
> > about him. He's one of the most mean-spirited,
> > hypocritical, dishonest, ego-driven, angry, unhappy
> > individuals I've ever encountered anywhere.
> I'm not writing this to have a go Judy, just as a
> different opinion from a different perspective.

No problem, I take it as such.

> Usually I steer well
> clear of your arguments as I don't think they are any
> of my business and I've only been here a short time
> so I don't know the full in's and out's.

That could make a major difference in how you
perceive Barry. (And on a public forum, anything
anybody posts is everybody's business. Whether
you have any *interest* is a different question

> And I don't feel I have to defend
> Barry at all, he's more than capable of looking after
> himself but I think your analysis here is way wide of
> the mark, maybe you're projecting most of this, I
> really don't know how you got into this state but it
> seems to be a hallmark of your online relationships.
> Can we admit that?

I'm not sure what "state" you're referring to,
so you'll have to elaborate before I can comment.

> But Judy, Mean spirited? I think the guy's all heart.
> Unhappy? A joke, surely. Dishonest? I don't know where
> you're getting this from.

You know, I could write pages and pages with
illustrative examples from his posts documenting
meanspiritedness and dishonesty, among other
traits. I can't document "unhappy"; it's just a
very strong sense I (and others) have gotten. But
happy people are not typically meanspirited and
dishonest, etc.

 Maybe it all just boils down to the fact he doesn't 
> like you. I've had hundreds of pleasant conversations
> with Barry about all sorts of things

Barry has no problem making himself pleasant and
likable to people he wants to like him. But try
getting into a real argument with him, in which
you strongly challenge his perspective and don't
back down. You may see a different face entirely.

, obviously we are similar 
> in a lot of ways but I *don't* get the feeling that
> is the sole reason we get along. It would be boring
> if it was.
> And I agree whith Sal that anyone who blames Barry
> for them leaving is a bit of a sad case.

But Barry (as well as Sal and Geeze) have no problem
whatsoever blaming me for Ruth leaving. Do you see a
bit of inconsistency there?

People have *reasons* for leaving. That doesn't mean
they're claiming they didn't leave of their own
volition. Michael certainly didn't make such a claim,
nor did Ruth.

> Maybe the real reason Jim 
> left is because he couldn't answer Barry's tough 
> questions?

Barry's questions to Jim, IMHO, weren't "tough,"
they were irrelevant. Barry wasn't making any
attempt to grasp what Jim had been saying, so
all he could come up with was non sequiturs. Jim
tried over and over to get him on the right track
but wasn't able to do so. Barry wasn't interested
in having a discussion; all he wanted to do was
put Jim down.

> My instinct is NOT to press send here I'm not writing
> this to be critical or in expectation of you, or anyone,
> liking the Barry but just to give you the idea that
> some see him differently to you and and Nabluss etc.

Fine with me. I'd just suggest that if you really
want to know why I see Barry as I do, you'll need
to follow a few of our exchanges--both sides thereof
--with attention. Or go back and read some of his
diatribes against Nabby or Lawson or any of his
favorite targets. His last exchange with Michael is
pretty revealing as well.

You might want to have a look at my response this
morning to Barry's reply to Geeze (Barry's post is
#184320). See whose characterization of recent
exchanges you think is more accurate (you may have
to go back and look at those exchanges if you don't
remember exactly what went down).

> Or maybe his Negativity Ray (TM) and Literary Eloquence
> (TM) have blurred my brain too.

Do you think the fact that in recent posts he's
made a point of telling you how much he likes you
might have something to do with your positive
opinion of him? (That's truly not intended as
snark; I'm just calling your attention to 
something that may not have occurred to you. We're
all inclined to think well of people who say they
think well of us, moi included.)

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