I remember when I first smoked hash too! Wow!

--- On Sun, 7/20/08, jasonjamesmorgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: jasonjamesmorgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] ???
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 8:47 PM
> Monday morning 345 am Sep 10, 2007
> The turning point. Vague, but tangible. Seemingly trivial,
> subtly 
> vital. How do I make this the moment. The moment to end
> moments. The 
> eternal now. Unbroken awareness. Awareness of the
> spectacular 
> possibitly of manifested existence. Awareness of the
> unmanifested 
> existence which is now, which is me.
> A manifested existence built on the shining hill. A hill of
> shinning 
> moments, of brilliance and ignorance. Hurts and joys. Shame
> and 
> moments to be proud of. The moments that have defined me
> until now. A 
> heaping pile of shining light.
> I stand on this hill naked. Alone. Lost. With seemingly
> nothing to 
> build with, only a broken pile to stand on.
> I have died. The building which was me has collapsed. I am
> reborn. 
> Standing on the hill which was me. When I was first born, I
> had my 
> mothers house to call my own. To protect me. Now I have
> nothing but 
> the memory. Alone. Abandoned. Bleeding. Am I bleeding? Or
> is this 
> blood I am covered in someone elses. I have hurt people. I
> have hurt 
> those I loved. I loved those that hurt me. I am not
> innocent. I am 
> not a victim. And if I am a victim, I am only a victim of
> myself.
> I stand on bodies. On broken relationships. On drugs. On
> broken homes 
> and lives. On success and failure. On power and fear. Love
> and 
> hatred. Secrets and lies. Faith. Beliefs. Ignorance. And
> wisdom.
> Wisdom.
> The wisdom shines. It all shines. The pile I stand on
> shines. 
> Everything I stand on is wisdom. It is death, blood, pain,
> sorrow, 
> drugs, lives, loves, knowledge, and ignorance. Everything
> that was me 
> has been destroyed. I stand apon this massive hill of
> destruction, 
> and it shines. Shines as wisdom. Terrible, glorious wisdom.
> Agonizing 
> wisdom. Blinding light.
> Who am I?
> I am not that which is now destroyed. That which I stand
> on. I am not 
> the wisdom. I am the awareness of the wisdom. I am
> awareness. I am 
> that I am.
> Monday 415am
> What now?
> Do I build a castle on this hill? Another castle, doomed to
> crumble. 
> A castle built on wisdom. The wisdom that says it will
> crumble too. 
> And when it does, all that will remain is awareness. Naked
> awareness. 
> Wisdom to see that which everyone sees only when they die.
> Wisdom 
> they do not have to live with. My castle crumbled too soon,
> and I did 
> not die. Now I must build another castle, without the
> ignorance. I 
> know it will all crumble again. My burden. My wisdom. My
> truth. Not 
> many others can grasp. Maybe intuitively know, but not
> grasp totally.
> So now what?
> I will build another castle. A castle on a shining hill. A
> beautiful 
> castle made of non-resistance, non-judgement, and
> non-attatchment. 
> For these are the only building blocks worthy of this
> shining hill.
> Many will pass by my castle on the hill, and say "Who
> does he think 
> he is, building his house on a hill? He must think he is
> better than 
> us!". "Look he does what we do, but not the same
> way. Does he think 
> he is different than us!" "Have you looked into
> his eyes, there is 
> something secret in them."
> And then one day someone will be passing by and stop.
> Someone with 
> eyes like mine. They will smile, then laugh. They will say,
> "Look at 
> this man, he has lost everything once and survived. Now he
> has built 
> a beautiful castle on the remains. He knows it will fall
> again, so he 
> has built it of non-attachment, non-judgement, and
> non-resistance. He 
> is like a child building sand castles before the tide comes
> in and 
> destroys it. Of all the castles I have seen, this is one of
> the most 
> beautiful."
> These people will look into my eyes and not see a secret,
> but the 
> truth. Others will see a secret and say " He is so
> sad, carrying such 
> a burden". But the people who see the truth will say
> "Wow, he is so 
> peaceful. He has been to heaven and hell. But he is not of
> heaven or 
> hell. He just is. Truly this is the happiness which
> surpasses all 
> understanding. He is not happy that he has such a beautiful
> castle, 
> nor is he sad that one day it will crumble. He has that
> peace. 
> Abiding serenity. He has that peace which is the same in
> heaven or 
> hell. Look at how the ignorant misread his eyes. Some see
> heaven, 
> some see hell. The wise see the truth, see the peace. The
> end of 
> suffering."
> 555am
> Jason James Morgan
> ------------------------------------
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